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  1. Maybe this is a bit obvious, I know i shouldnt have taken the cat out for a drive but i had to get the battery charged up, I noticed a burning rubber smell , Would that point to a vac leak?
  2. Dam :( Just checked, Anyone can use my AA cover as long as its with the car, And that isnt the cat.
  3. Hi Steve, I was with AA but i swapped that over to my other car i have to use whilst the jag is off road, Theres no oil leaks as far as im aware.
  4. Hi Joe, Thanks for the advice, Not sure if this will help diagnose but the car runs amazing when cold but as soon as it warms up it starts misfiring and limits me to 40mph, Its the V8 4.0 Petrol, I changed the fuel filter 2 days back hoping that would fix it but no :(
  5. Hello, Some of you might know my cat has been misfiring, I have thrown allsorts of money at it now and its still misfiring, I have checked the sparks, they have all been changed by previous owner (they still look new), I have tried a coil test im not 100% sure if i have done this correctly, Its amazing how much a broken car can cause family problems, So im on here asking if anyone at all can come and help me fix this misfire or at least find the cause , I know its cheeky but i paid 1200 for the car and so far racked up 600 on bills, I really dont want to scrap it, I dont have alot of money but can supply endless cups of tea and bacon sandwiches :), Thank you.
  6. Yes it is, Thank you very much :)
  7. Hey, Its not too far but limited to 40mph could be a problem :(
  8. Hello again, Some of you might know im trying to figure out whats causing the misfire i have on my V8 but have had no luck at all, I was wondering if theres anyone local to me that has the Jaguar IDS/SDD that can hook a laptop up to my V8 and finally get it sorted? , Im in Gloucester, Thanks
  9. Sounds good too me, I purchased a cheap code reader and it keeps coming back with 0 codes but i have a misfire, MY amber light flashes, So i put the code reader on after the drive and nothing shows up, This method your speaking about here sounds the best idea for me
  10. Hi Joe its a petrol V8, I tried the reader and it shows 0 codes, Today i went out to look at the sparks and they are all brand new, As for the coils i took them out 1 by 1 last week and they all seem ok, Maybe i missed something
  11. Sorted, Got my baby up and running, Now to the original problem i have, the MISFIRE :P
  12. OK quick update, I had a friend who popped over lastnight to take a look at my situation, An hour later hes inside the boot!, He took out some of the rear seats with enough room to crawl into the boot and get things opened, That was the good news, The bad news now and more expense is my battery charger decided to die and now i have to buy another one, Its like someone does not want me to drive my car anymore haha, Anyway new charger coming today, Fingers crossed!
  13. I really dont want to give up on the car, Its bugging me, Im not mechanically minded at all so i get stuck on the options i have been given by the members on here, I saw one about the starter motor?, Any diagrams or more basic instructions on how to do this would be great, Like a dummies guide, Thanks
  14. I give up, The car is causing too much stress, I paid £1200 for it 2 weeks ago, since then spent just over £400 on it, Im going to sell it for silly money and call it a loss as i need a car 24/7 to be fair, Thanks for all your help.
  15. I have just popped the bonnet on my jag and cannot see a red wire near the fusebox, any help appreciated?
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