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Suppedraken last won the day on April 14 2018

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    Knut Are
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  1. Got a refurbished starter for approx. a third of the price and normal service is resumed. I love this car. ๐Ÿ˜
  2. We had a similar issue with ours and couldn't find the leak, so we ended up with Holts Radiator Sealant. That was two years ago and it hasn't leaked since. I suspect something A/C related, but didn't see the need for further investigation. ๐Ÿ˜€
  3. Thank you, both of you. Very helpful. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  4. Long time, no see. Again. ๐Ÿ™‚ I still love the S-Type. Even in winter, -20C and icy roads (but not snow deeper than an inch or two). 2 questions. It seems that the starter motor has died. ๐Ÿ™ I thought it was the relay that was sticky, but it looks like it's the starter motor. The online parts catalog at Jaguar Classic Parts says that XR848128 has been superseeded by C2C37198. Does that mean it's just plug and play if I buy a new one (or preferably get a used one from a newer car) or is some sort of kit also required? Does anyone have any experience with OEM starter motors? They are much cheaper on ebay, but are they best avoided? Thanks in advance.
  5. Twenty years ago, when I lived way out in the forest with very steep roads, I put on snow chains hundreds of times and could do it in less than five minutes. The last time I got stuck in the driveway, I bought a pair of snowchains. But the car is so low and there's so little space around the wheels that I couldn't put them on. So I ended up towing it out onto the main road with the Hilux. We do of course have a large Honda snow thrower, but for some reason I thought it wasn't necessary that day.
  6. According to the Norwegian importer: No. But they didn't tell me why and I can't see why as long as you have all the pieces and the necessary software. It may be a lot of work, though.
  7. Long time, no see. We all know how lovely the S-Type is, but it's far from ideal in Norwegian winters. It's too low and easily gets stuck in the driveway. And the antispin doesn't help at all. Once you get going and the snow isn't too deep, it's very nice of course. A better differential would make everything more enjoyable, though. The picture is from last winter's trip to Trysil, by the way.
  8. Can't remember where I put them, because we've never used them, but https://www.thule.com/nb-no/roof-rack/roof-racks/thule-evo-wingbar-_-711xxx?car=jaguar-s-type-4dr-sedan-_-RUyt
  9. If you can get it cheap as a restoration project, go for it. Otherwise, you may be better off finding something better. As those who claim to know about these things will tell you, what you see is only a third of the rust. The sills are under attack and I think you will find that the wheel arches are too. Remember that rust can start from the inside and work its way out, so when you see it on the outside, the damage may already be substantial.
  10. Belated merry christmas and a happy new year to everyone. They fixed it the next day and the car is its happy self again. I somehow forgot to ask what they did, but they looked a bit sheepish when they said they made fools of themselves.
  11. Well, this is interesting. ๐Ÿคจ Got the bushings and handed them over to my local repair shop (I've been under enough old cars in the middle of winter, thank you). Got the car back yesterday and the steering wheel was 45 degrees to the right, which had me puzzled, because I didn't think it would be necessary to disassmble anything related to that. In addition, the car felt like I was driving on ice and made sudden jerks to the right, especially after breaking. The service manual doesn't offer me (which may say more about me than the manual) . Any ideas?
  12. Thank you ver much. ๐Ÿ˜
  13. Friends, Romans and fellow Jag owners, Long time, no see, which may be a good thing, as no news is good news. Besides I've been terribly busy, what with full work load and starting my own business and everything. Anyhow, the much beloved King Bob (blame the favourite wife, not me) had a 200000km (or 120000 miles to most of you) service last week. No problems, except that the (lower) bushing on one of the front shock absorbers are worn out. It seems to me that Jaguar don't sell the bushings and charges eye watering prices for their adaptive shock absorbers. They tell me that https://parts.jaguarlandroverclassic.com/xr843729-shock-absorber.html is the correct one, but thinking about what else I could do with that kind of money, you will understand that I want to find a place to buy just the bushings. Lazlo, Joe or anyone else knowledgeable; where can I find such precious items?
  14. Lazlo Woodbine have several posts regarding bushes; you could try a search on this forum. ๐Ÿ˜€
  15. I bit surprising, I must admit, that no hands were raised in class. ๐Ÿ˜€ But I finally found it. The file is in the Maintenance and storage folder and is called JLR 11 62 21_1E - S-TYPE (Petrol Models from 2002.5MY to 2005MY) Maintenance Check Sheet.pdf JLR 11 62 21_1E - S-TYPE (Petrol Models from 2002.5MY to 2005MY) Maintenance Check Sheet.pdf
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