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Everything posted by Suppedraken

  1. Found the manual. 3316 pages, so printing is not an option.
  2. Definitely not diesel or R, for various reasons, included, but not limited to, availability. V6 over her, please.
  3. I've browsed through about half the pages in the S-Type forum, but I can't seem to find a list of checkpoints or common issues. This could of course be because I didn't pay enough attention, in which case I humbly apologise. Anyhow, sills and arches, water leaks, low battery voltage, air condition, radiator leaks and glunking transmission appear to be the most common problems, but is there anything else I should be aware of? I assume later models are better than early models, but are there specific models to avoid or try to find? And are there any issues, other than rust, that stand out as walk quitely and politely away? And while we're at it, Haynes don't have anything for the S-Type as far as I can tell. Where do the ambitious S-Type owner of today go to get a repair manual? Every little help is appreciated by the prospective owner.
  4. You sure know your cameras, Laz.
  5. I've been pondering this for quite some time now, and only recently informed my favourite wife of my plans. After giving it some more serious consideration, it seems to be a S-Type somewhere in our, hopefully not too distant, future. Lefthanded Mark 2 and XJ series 1-3 are hard to find and getting too old for regular use on our poor roads, and the XK8 is still too expensive (plus she thinks it's ugly). A decent looking S-Type (not that I've ever seen any other kind for sale over here) can be had for as little as £6-7000.
  6. Good morning (or whatever it may be while you're reading this). I've been lurking for a while before (and after) joining, but courtesy dictates an introduction. First of all, I don't have a Jaguar, only a battered, old Hilux which I plan on having forever. Second, I live in Norway, where cars are expensive (and the expensive and powerful ones are even more expensive) and rust is a huge problem because of the long winters and the salting of roads. Third, Clangers was my favourite tv show when I was a kid (but seeing a rerun in colour in the nineties was a traumatic shock I'm still recovering from). Oh, and I don't like SUVs, nor am I a big fan of the E-type. I do, however, like the Mark 2, the XJ series 1-3, the XK8 and the S-type. Ta.
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