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lesboy last won the day on May 23 2020

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  1. Many thanks for all your help and comments in the past, i have sold my beloved X/Type and moved on to a Merc which i must admit is a better car happy motoring, take care and stay safe one and all . Les.
  2. Thanks Mike i have looked at those things new rear arb on car and bushes ok new drop links also on last mot, i have narrowed it down to the wooden cover over the spare wheel in the boot itself and have fitted some foam strip also if boot full of shopping and lid loaded down noise virtually gone it is just annoying rather than serious, maybe check yours before expense of jobs you have said, thanks again and Happy New Year. Les.
  3. Thanks Rich i will have a look at them .
  4. anyone any ideas i have an annoying thud/rattle coming from rear end sound like in boot when going over bumps on my 2008 x/type diesel it is a dull noise like the boot floor cover board over wheel well i have checked in there and added some velcro to this to hold down just wondering if anyone else had same thing at any time. Cheers all .
  5. The latest version you can get for the x/type is 2011/2012 they stopped producing them after that they are readily available on e/bay !! for about £20-25.
  6. Problem sorted for now at least, air was being sucked in via the magnetic filter body had been rubbing against engine bracket and worn a microscopic pinhole allowing air into system, once identified and changed system bled and new filter fitted all A OK hope it stays like that .
  7. Thanks O.T.H. I hope not as that will be expensive and pump was new less than 10k ago but my garage are getting it on Wednesday to investigate the problem cheers again.
  8. thanks Cosmicma yes I changed the filter and still same now the flipping bonnet will not open drivers side wont release this motor is definitely trying my patience although I love it I can see myself ditching it soon !!! I feel a fire coming on Lol ,
  9. Hi Guys Has anyone any knowledge or can offer help to my problem my 2008 X/Type 2.2 diesel se has started playing up not starting, I at first thought it was glow plug orientated and have been activating them twice and it starts on the button then so I have plans to change them although I did about 18 months ago and done less than 5k miles since then, however now worse problem is car starts on the button runs for about 3-5 seconds then cuts out I then spend several attempts cranking it which it then starts although battery struggling after a while once running goes superbly with no loss of power or smoothness at all . I think I know what the problem is and it appears that the fuel from high pressure is running back to the tank overnight hence only fumes left in rail allows initial start then have to crank until re-fills with fuel and away this more or less confirmed as I have a magnetic extra filter fitted between the filter and high pressure pipe prior to the rail which has see through body and was always showing full of fuel prior to these problems but now empty overnight and my garage that I use said it seems to be fuel run back but they are busy at moment and cant look at it for ages the reason seems almost certain but the Question is WHY ?? any ideas anyone, by the way I had new pump/injectors/fuel system drain and clean and this magnetic filter less than 10k miles ago so hopefully its not a pump fault, any ideas greatly appreciated and sorry its so long winded. Many Thanks Les.
  10. I have a 2.2 auto 2008 facelift model with a DPF until now no problems with it and I do lots of short journeys but always use premium fuel and millers additive periodically, also give it a good blast in manual for about 20 miles a couple of times a month .
  11. Many thanks for suggestions guys will give it some more thought !!
  12. Hi Guys firstly I must apologise for the long winded story hopefully someone can shed some light on my problems ?? I love my 2008 2.2diesel 6speed auto but since I bought it last October it has cost me a fortune £2.5k+ with fuel system problems, glow plugs, oil leak etc see my previous topics for my woes anyway I have recently had firstly flashing glow plug alarm and gearbox fault on info system this has happened several times, turn engine off remove key for 10 seconds all clear and drives ok, took into my local repairer code said Knock sensor fault both he and I doubted this however had knock sensor changed and wiring from it checked back to ecu, serviced vehicle and went through MOT fine even with new diesel emissions standards, but this fault has still happened a couple of times since however the more worrying problem although car is driveable and in regular use is the auto gear change it changes smoothly up no problem but sometimes it seems to judder/hesitate changing down especially during on overrun when coming to a junction or off motorway and when it does come down it thuds, not a seamless change down at all, I recently bit the bullet and put it into an indy jag specialist to change all the transmission fluid despite jag say gearbox is maintenance free and filled for life it is a little smoother but not good , it may sound silly but it seems to me that it is not getting all the correct feedback from somewhere whether it be fuel system or speed sensor or something as the only way I can describe it is it seems lost and does not know what to do, it changes up/down fine when in manual mode, please has anyone got any ideas as it is driving me mad anything much appreciated ! Best Regards Les.
  13. Thanks Nathan yes it seems any type of fault on Jags says gearbox fault and proves to be something else and as I have read on here loads of intermittent faults come and go so I will have to see how it goes after already having spent over £2k on repairs since I bought it last October it does not need a service as yet and oil/filter changed about 1000 miles ago anyway thanks again mate.
  14. Hi all my x/type had been running ok but yesterday on came a fault flashing heater plug and message gearbox fault, switched off and on but still there drove home in limp mode about 30mph with no acceleration at all the car had felt strange a couple of times changing down on overrun seemed a bit lumpy but I thought I was imagining it however after arriving home switching car off and going back to it 15 minutes later started up no faults appeared and car went perfectly like a rocket gave it a good thrash in manual mode, my local repairer put on the diagnostic and fault logged was g/box fault and knock sensor fault, cleared them both and all seems well has anyone had a similar problem please ??? if knock sensor needs replacing is it expensive and whereabouts is it located. Many thanks Les. (2008 2.2Diesel SE/DPF 6speed auto)
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