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  1. Hi all. I haven't asked the question I am about to ask as it just sounds all wrong. I have looked all over the internet but have found nothing to help in this matter, so here goes and lets see if any other XF owners have come close to this problem. The window wiper water sprayer stopped working several weeks ago. It sprayed water twice then wiped away as it should. I know it can be removed from the computer so it sprays as long as you have the button pressed. So I removed the inner wing and removed the washer pump from the water bottle, and sure enough the rubber filter was blocked. Cleaned it and washed out the water bottle. It worked fine for about 2 days !!! Took it all apart again today and the filter is blocked again, but here is the bit that does not make any sense........when I press the screen wash button it works fine and will spray water as it should all day long, but when the engine is running it will not work as in you can not even hear the pump working. When the engine stops via the stop/start system if you press the screen when the car engine is in stop mode then it will work. If the engine restarts while you have the button pressed for the screen wash it will pump water OK until you come to press it again with the engine running and that's it ........not working until you stop the engine again. Have you come across this? Have you sorted it out? What did you do? Many thanks - Paul 2.2 xf diesel 2011 (December)
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