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Everything posted by jazzman

  1. Thanks Steve,just getting my head around the site,,where do i start a new topic
  2. Any help would be appreciated,,before i get the hammer
  3. Please please tell me how you rectified the flashing lights problem,,,mine is doing the same ,driving me nuts thanks,,,Jazzman
  4. Hi guys,,im having the same problem,,the lights keep flickering on and off after a minute or two,,driving me nuts too
  5. Hello guys,,i have a jag sov,2007 2.7,,,im having probs with the head,lights, when i switch them on they are fine for a minute or so, Then they seem to do what they want ,,they just go off then on, not all at the same time but one will go off then come ,then another will go off then on If i turn them off then on again they all come on,,then it starts again ,,on off on ,off,,,any ideas,,ive been told it could be the automatic light sensor, or headlight main beam relay,,,any ideas,,,plsssssss
  6. Yes John 2 of them,,i was lucky ,just 1 had failed,,but solved the problem. Best of luck
  7. Hi im a new member,,i had a problem with fumes in the cabin in my Jag/Sov 2.7tdvi 2007,,it turned out to be the cat,,which i had replaced ,,everything ok now
  8. Also radiator fan stays on permanently
  9. The (air suspension fault)came up on my dash board,,i changed the pump,suspension is fine but the warning keeps coming on,,,(Air suspension fault) Any ideas guys
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