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Lord Sladacre

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Lord Sladacre last won the day on March 14 2024

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  1. The radiator on my 2003 S - type is leaking , topping up with coolant 250 ml on a aily basis pretty much. I intend to use Radweld until the 13th Jan - service date. i am of the opinion that replacement of the rad may well be more cost effective than a repair at the garage. Vehicle Replacement Parts (VRP) of Leicester, off er new rads at £51.70 !! Seems to be a higly regarded supplier in terms of quality / reliability. Do other members have experience of VRP or other thoughts please on how best I might proceed. Grateful to you all asusual. Thank you, Dominic.
  2. Hi All, Sorted how to disemble the centre console. Terrific video on you tube - explains all. Now to find the vibration / rattle !! Dominic
  3. Hi, Does anyone know how to remove the centre console on the 2003 S - Type - remember the electronic handbrake lurks here). I have a rattle seems to be coming from the region of the auto gear stick. Are there screws or clips - i have heard of needing an insert, what would that be ? Any advice or video reference would be extremely welcome. Just endured a round trip to Kent from Dorset - with the rattle / vibration, quiet on smooth roads (not many of those left) - rattles otherwise ! Many thanks, Dominic.
  4. Hi Mike, Many thanks for that - very reassuring to understand it is a terrific GB. I shall look at replacing solenoids and cleaning the multi cable connectors. Thanks again Dominic
  5. Hi Mike, No i checked that - my first thought. I have been out this morning in it - Iput it in 2nd and then moved it slowly between all gears before moving off. It seems fine now !! Thank you for your thought, I appreciate it. Have a good day Dominic
  6. Hi, I have recently experienced the gearbox reluctance in changing up from first to second gear. The engine revs mount to 4k approx - the car continues in first. I remove foot immediately and second is then engaged. This occurs intermittently - when pulling away from the lights for example. I had changed the XF fluid, gearbox sump and filter back in 2020 at 78k miles. The car has covered 101k miles to date. Any advice or diagnosis from memebers would be most welcome. Thank you Dominic
  7. Thanks for that. Useful info of which i was unaware. i shall call the bodyshop and get them to check the drain. Kind regards Dominic
  8. Hi Russ, Thanks for the input. I appreciate it. Probably over the top - but I have covered just about all the mechanicals so figured it was worth doing. Will never recoup the investment through a sale - but that is true for us all. I am ascertaining the new panel cost and where the fabricator is not a fan of chinese kits for sills etc he is making them, same for the lower arches. £300 of the cost is wheel refurb - so not all bad !! Thanks again, Regards Dominic
  9. I have owned my S -Type for 7 years and love it. I am sure this is not unique, however, may be of interest to fellow owner members.. My Dec 2003 S - Type, through initial and visually corroded, bubbling lower wheel arches - on closer inspection, more work was required. The outcome is both outer and inner sills to be replaced, both rear arches and the drivers floor pan section. The work is being undertaken by a highly competent fabricator and welder based at Crossways Garage Bodyshop, in High Woodsford, Nr Dorchester. The likely cost is circa £2.6k inc vat. They are taking photos prior, during and on completion. The emphassis is upon the strength of steel used / pre formed or fabricated (to be confirmed with the welder) , the protection prior to welding and the addiditonal protection after welding, and of course the visual finish of the arches. Others, I know, have faced this dilemma many times - is the car worth keeping? In my case I think yes. i have spent on the services / maintenance of the engine and underside components, over the year,it is three owners (including me) - always previously serviced by Jaguar / specialists, is 3.0 petrol, in seafrost green, heated seat, heated screen and electric lumber supports.............whats not to love?. If i can assit others in recommending the bodyshop or with more detail feel free to ask me, i shall do my best to assist.
  10. I would be extremely grateful if any member could recommend a supplier of high quality replacement sills, both inner and outer. I also need the lower front rear wheel arch panels - evidence of "moth" attacking. The well known corrosion problem is endangering the life of my 2003 S - Type. SNG Barratt can offer LH but not RH neither can jaguar. I have a very competent fabricator garage inline prepared to do the work c £3k. Scary, but no viable alternative. Any all help much appreciated. Thank you. Dominic
  11. A good end to a very irritating and frustrating day by the sounds of it. Coolant effect interesting. I must say I keep a constant eye on it, even keeping a bottle in the boot to top up. Like to keep it at max. Have a good week. Regards Dominic
  12. Oh Dave that car park episode, for an hour is just too much. Then having to accept a bound to be mpg degrade to that extent is beyond unreasonable !! Sorry it was such a doubly whammy. Things can only get better (drier) for us all - a few clear bright days will help you with the planned Honda work too. Take care and chill this w/e, Regards Dominic
  13. Hi Dave, 115 miles Dorchester to Draycott, round trip - very busy and mixed traffic flows 27.5 mpg overall. Just as the book says on for those conditions. Very smooth drive 1,750 revs @ 60 mph. I hope that you had a good day as well. Have a good w/e Kind Regards Dominic
  14. Hi Dave, Many thanks. indeed Draycott is around 120 miles round trip on a good mix of A class and country roads. I am looking forward to it and will let you know, mpg etc. Thank you for your interest always. Regards Dominic
  15. Hi Dave, The car returned @ 1600 hrs. Work done: New CAT, new plugs, manifold gaskets, oil change / filter. they had quoted for pre / post sensors - but decided that the originals were in good condition and functuoning as they should, so did not fit. They reckon the originals are better quality than the after market. The bill was £1300 - although they had mistakenly transposed the estimate which had presumed a sensor change - i chaecked when i got home and will now get a £235. refund tomorrow, spoken to them on the phoine. The car drives so much better, difficult to describe. Smooth - a real Jaguar. Funny, i recentl came home from Yeovil and thought, that wasnt very enjoyable. The car seemed laboured, poor mpg, only 24, as if i had the brake on one wheel, uncomfortable. there was nothing in unison - I like to think that i am atuned to engines / gearboxes / brakes and axles ! This afternoon felt right !! The overall bill will be abot £1100, good value - time will tell, if she needs more in time, i will do it ! i will be gonig to Draycott, Somerset on Friday - so can monitor performance / mpg etc. Looking forward to no lights, particularly EML - seen it for two years !! Regards Dominic
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