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mictop1961 last won the day on May 10 2019

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  1. Having just purchased another 2005 2.7 diesel I have a problem on start up from cold there is a excessive amount of smoke (Grey/White) from the exhausts. Once the car is warm the smoke clears. I have checked and there is no power to the glow plugs I have replaced the glow plug module and there is a 12v feed to the module through the 100amp fuse, fuse 38 is also good so I am at a loss any ideas? Thanks
  2. Just came home from work tonight with a ABS Fault illuminated on the dash, before I go and hand over a load of cash to a garage I was thinking of getting a fault code reader, can anybody advice where I can get hold of one, preferably not fleabay any help or advice would be gratefully recieved Mike Topping
  3. I am having problems with the Jag and wondering if anybody else has come across it. A few weeks ago the car started and then cut out and wouldn't restart. The next day the car started and ran like a dream. A few days later there was a patch of diesel under the engine of the car I couldn't see any leaks used it for a long run left the car for a couple of hours it was completly dry under the engine but on the way home we got the occasional smell of diesel but again no leaks. Yesterday same again car started then cut out eventually restarting after about 20 secs turning over, when it was ruuning under load it was fine but on tick over it had a missfire. Parked the car up on the return journey ran like a dream again with no faults. Anybody had this problem still the occasional drip and smell of diesel,with the MOT due next month is it time to pass the car on?
  4. If you need to remove the inlet manifold it will need a new gasket there is no point in refitting it because it will already be compressed and won't seal correctly.
  5. I recently had the sump replaced it comes as a kit the gearbox filter is included in the sump, this was done by an independant and cost £350, the fault on mine was dripping oil on the drive which turned out to be a cracked sump. Regards Mike
  6. I did this last year the service for my car was to be £180 and they paid me £100 to take part as a mystery shopper, main dealer service for £80 suited me at the time
  7. Yes my bodyguy has put it back on the road for by glueing bolts on the bumper and pulling it all back together trouble is he has done such a good job that you can't really see the damage except for the crack that's on the bottom skirt and the wheel arch liner won't go in properly will keep you're advice in mind my mate was iching to take all the bumper off and get stuck in but I will have to wait for every little doesn't help to get in touch Thanks for all the replies my wife keeps telling me it's just a car and that it's no excuse to turn to drink!!! Personally like the excuse but not the cause.
  8. I work for a bus company so the jag is going into work for one of the bodymakers to have a look even if it's just so I can use the car, I have had a good look tonight (was to depressed until now nagging from the wife telling me it's only a car!!!!!) the bumper has a crack in it and it is pulled away from the mountings on the o/s/f.The wheel arch liners look ok and the under engine panel will push back, there is a second hand bumper on ebay which is the correct colour but it is in America. So we will have to see the thing is the car is my pride and joy so at the end of the day I don't want to bodge it I will go back to the store on Monday and take some measurements of the kerb ect and see where I go from there.
  9. Not so good news they now deny liabilty I have to wait for 14 days (but my cars of the road...Tough) then they will write to me with their decision "can I get the car repaired" I asked "Certainly not" they replied so now I am without a car for another two weeks!!!
  10. It sounds like the same sort of damage as Lovemyjag as an update the store has accepted liability but it is now in the hands of Head Office of which I am still waited a reply, not good service the car is sat on the drive awaiting repair I can't get the car repaired myself as of yet until I have confirmed decision as to what they are going to do but every little bit of information helps !!!!
  11. No it is badly damaged and all the under engine panels have been ripped out and the bumper has pushed up under the bonnet which is amazing the damage seeing as I was only pulling out of the space, I am still waiting on the shops reply and the my insurance company (with which I have unlimted protected no claims) are already telling that it will cause a huge increase in my premiums next year. So in the mean time does anybody know a good bodyshop in the Stockport area, as I can't drive it very far.
  12. I have just had a unfortunate incident at a local big name superstore I parked the jag up in a parking space did my shopping came out put the car in reverse and pulled thefront bumper off, it turns out the front of the car was on a high kerb coupled with the fact front o/s wheel was in a dip in the carpark surface hence the reason why there was no noise from the front end when I parked the car up. I have put a complaint in with the store manager who took pictures and I am now waiting for them to contact me. Does anybody know how far there liabilty is yes I know they are not liable for damage to cars but then are they liable to a kerb stuck up in the air with no indication, mean while my car is now sat on the drive with the front bumper hanging off
  13. Having just had the car serviced I have need to change the rear brake pads and discs, my car has the electric handbrake and I have been told by a workmate that the Ford Mondeo has to go on a computer to have the caliper pistons wound back in, Has anybody out there replaced there pads and did the pistons wind back in without the aid of a computer? Thanks
  14. It could be the anti roll bar bushes but to be honest (personal opinion here) I would'nt bother at the moment if it has been checked out buy a garage and is only a intermittent fault then I would let it develop you could end up throwing £££££ at it and still not resolve the problem.I did this with a car many years ago that had a suspension knock I changed bushes and shock absorbers it cost me about £500 doing it myself, it turned out to be the gearbox mounting! Of course you could always turn the music up - The good old fashioned cure to many a knocking noise!!
  15. Superb car love it to bits, had the car for 10 months and wish I tried Jaguars before the only down side is the cost of fuel when I finish work on lates (12.30 in the morning) the motorways are fairly quiet so i tend to go for a spin, I live about 1.5 mile from work this tends to end up at a 50 mile journey!
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