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Richard West

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  1. It's behind the front bumper about central, clipped on. Easy to get at.
  2. Hello Alexander, When I was looking for my S-Type I was sure that I wanted a 4.2, however, it may sound silly but I found I was looking at dark blue cars more than any other colour and the colour turned out to be more important so I got a 3.0 pacific blue and haven't regretted my choice at all. I've had the car 4 years now and the engine hasn't missed a beat. It purrs along until you put your foot down then it really growls like a big cat.
  3. Re stability, It has been over 2 years and it is still there, there is very little wobble if clamped tight. Re the QC3.0, I can't say, I use the lead that came with it, plugged into my F.M. converter. Running the Sat Nav with screen on and using the phone as a jukebox, after a 3 hour run it's still at 100% charge. (I've used it with Pixel3 and Pixel 5).
  4. I am very happy with the holder I got from Amazon which is also a wireless charger (don't have to bother with plugging/unplugging phone). It fits on the vent and has a clamp which keeps it secure. It's been in my S-Type for over 2 years without any trouble. Edit to add link. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07R9PKWLW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  5. Mine did this a week or two ago, parked up, went shopping, came back and it hasn't done it since. I do have a problem in that sometimes I need to tap the screen for it to come on.
  6. My CD changer is in the boot on the LH side behind a carpet covered cover.
  7. Mine's sleeping under the car port all alone, at least I can see her from the window. She has only had two short outings since the middle of March as we are shielding due to me having COPD thanks to 45 years of smoking. (quit 3 years ago). I do miss finding other Jags to park next to in car parks, I have a growing collection of photos of her with her friends. Should have been at a local show this weekend as a future classic, would have been able to park beside her twin, same spec same colour, even same wheels, Oh well maybe 2021 for that now.
  8. First thing I would recommend is take the plastic outer sills off and inspect the metal underneath. I didn't and it cost me £1700 to fix. Other than that, It's the best car I've ever had and It's a keeper for me.
  9. My S-Type is very similar yours, it came with Avons that were starting to perish. I went with the Jaguar recommendation of Pirellis (P Zero Assymetrico). They were expensive but it was like driving a different car, so much better than the Avons.
  10. Personally I prefer the shaped ones. Here's mine with both for comparison.
  11. What appears to have worked for me is that I pulled the belt all the way out and sprayed the the part that disappears with silicone WD40.after it had a chance to work in, it doesn't seem to stick any more.
  12. Oh well, worth a try. Hope someone else can help.
  13. Hello Ed. USB chargers can do that, if you have any, unplug them and see if that makes a difference
  14. Leiston in Suffolk.
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