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  1. I've even bought a brand new Bosch battery. You can start it up, move the car and it's gonna be on. Turn it off, leave for a bit turn it on, light still on, make few yards, it's gonna turn off. Like a roller-coaster
  2. Hi all. I'm lost with that. I'm getting those two fault codes. I've already changed the abs sensor on rear right wheel - not genuine one- and the abs light came off. After few miles came back on. And now it's just like a lottery. Goes on and off whenever it wants to. Please help!!
  3. Did you use any special rtv? Did you put it directly on the edge of the windscreen or on the panel? Anywhere else apart from there? Thank you for your reply! Much appreciated
  4. Hi all. Did anyone successfully sorted out the leaking windscreen panel? I've tried various things and still having a leak..I've even followed the repair guide and bought patches, but that didn't work at all..
  5. It says they are permanent codes
  6. Hi all. I've been scanning my Jag with IDS recently, due to ABS issue and noticed two DTCs there: P1629 and P1632- both from alternator. I've checked the voltage while the car was running, over 14v, got brand new Bosch battery as well. What could be causing that? Any suggestions, solutions? Been reading somewhere that it could be battery wire but not sure if that's relevant as it was about X-type model.
  7. Hi Joe. Thank you for your reply! What is mega fuse? I hope you're right, cause I'm having sleepless nights already thinking about a need of new gearbox..
  8. Hi all. I am getting Restricted Performance with check engine light, orange and red light on the dash and Cruise not available. SDD is reading P0730 and P0702 from TCM and P0702 from ECM with P1000. Sometimes they just go off randomly but coming back. I have changed ABS sensor last week, cause that was another issue with ABS DSC lights on dash, but now they gone, just that Performance left. Has anyone ever had those errors? Where should I start? Gearbox is running fine. Car been sat for a while due to pandemic, battery has been changed to brand new one, fully charged. Is it possible that I have to re-calibrate something in gearbox settings etc? How to do it, if so? Thanks in advance!!
  9. Well, if I'm not getting any help I'm trying somewhere else- that's obvious. I am using dedicated DELL with WIN XP PRO SP2, clear system with v130 SDD only, no other programs on it. I've had brand new Bosch battery fitted when I was doing that and SDD was connected just for 10 minutes.
  10. Do you think it's in the cable or software?
  11. Hi all. I wanted to clear some DTC codes using SDD and after doing that the car didn't want to start. I have plugged the SDD back again and it gave me info about anti-theft active and steering column lock on dash as well. After re-programming immobiliser car has started as normal. Have I missed something when clearing DTCs? It has happened twice now and I'm really concerned what's going on..
  12. Hi all. I can't open the boot from my remote key. The boot button and interior button work fine, but when I press the remote, it doesn't do anything. As well, not sure if it's connected, the lights are not turning on from remote button. Is there something wrong with remote? Other than that it locks and unlocks the car as normal.
  13. Hi guys. My Jag is dead...During diagnostic with SDD my battery died, so I've charged it to full, connected back to car and it won't crank now. The first code was P1260 from immobilizer, so I have cleared it, it's not showing anymore but now I've got P1582 about throttle and can't clean it at all and the car doesn't want to crank...Has anyone ever had something like that?
  14. Hi all. Unfortunately my head gasket gone. I have changed it and now I'm in the middle of putting engine together and have a problem here. I can't remember which colour of the fuel injector plugs are going where. There are 3 white ones and 3 black ones. All I remember is that one colour is going to the left bank and the other colour to the right one, but which is which? Maybe someone of you have got a picture of the manifold with injectors on, or can remember that? Much appreciated!!! Cheers, Kris!
  15. Yeah I know guys, but I still think it looks much better without that triangle base. Will try to find one, if not I will but just the standard one. Do you know any places for spares? Like eurojag.
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