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  1. Hi all, just traded in my XF to a 2018 XJ, which drives beautifully, and feels quite different from the XF in a positive way. So I keep getting SATNAV Unavailable, which is a real pain, as I rely heavily on satnav. The satnav has word twice, but every other occasion no matter what I do it says navigation unavailable, and I cant even get into navigation settings, when it does this. I have read many forums that say to check the SD card is in properly or take it out and put it back in. I have searched everywhere and cannot for the life of me find an SD Slot. There is nothing in the boot, or in the under boot area, and in the the centre console there are 2 * USB's, and a slot for a Micro Sim Card, but no SD Card. Any clues anyone please? How to reset and get it working again, and where on earth is the SD Card / mapping ?
  2. Thanks it was actually Halfords that said that to me, not Jaguar. I was originally quoted £1900 from Jaguar, and have managed to get them to reduce the parts costs and labour costs, and throw in a re-test of all errors for £1200, still a huge amount but much better - Just hope it solves the problem.
  3. They are all now telling me that Jaguar have stopped selling these parts through other garages, so you have to go through Jaguar4, nice touch there!
  4. Not found any so far, and I would be concerned about changing it for a used part, only to find it happens again.
  5. Not much of a poster on forums but here goes. Ive had a 2016 Xf 2.0 Diesel for just over a year, bought with just 22500 miles on the clock, in immaculate condition, clearly not driven much, garaged, and Jaguar services from 1 owner. Naturally through Covid has had limited driving, although my normal patterns will be a lot of motorway driving, and at least 1k miles per month. Had several occurrences of the amber transmission light on, for which Ive had a local guy come out check for anything serious, run off a report and clear errors for £50 quid. Hes never come up with anything much that could be causing it, and the error general disappears for a couple of months and then comes back. He has put it down to limited motorway driving through lockdowns, whilst working from home . After 3 of these clearing episodes, last month when it came on again - I succumbed and took it on to Jaguar for a full diagnostic, which revealed the injector was faulty / damaged and needed replacing, so that was nearly £600, and it cam with a warning that the DPF Filter is partially damaged as a result of the injector being damaged, which may present a problem and may not. Sure enough 50 miles later, this week amber light is back on, so my only option form Jaguar is to replace the damaged DPT, at the tune of £1900 - Anyone else been in this position, and will this solve my woes, as I head back to proper motorway driving.. Im loathed to change the car especially in this condition, as its in good nick and still with low mileage 26k, although I now appreciate that this is probably the problem, previous owner not driving it much. Appreciate any comments, from those that have been here before
  6. HI all Ive got a 2016 Xf sport, with 21k on the clock. The only thing not working is the auto on/off. Ive booked the car in for a service at Williams, but they have said the usual problems with the auto on-off require the car overnight, which seems a bit bizarre to me, anyone else had same experineces, or can offer any advice ? Surely it can only have a button (Switch on and off seems to work), a sensor, and sufficient power in battery ? Even if its the battery cant these be tested / topped up ?
  7. SO Went on a drive with a Jaguar engineer His verdict is all suspension fine, but a common problem "apparently" is when the tyres wear down (mine are good Pirellii tyres, about half way through their life) - they causes a wobble with Jaguars. Only fix would be to put new tyres on, and then he said it would come back as tyres wear down. He has been working with Jaguars all his life, and said he gets asked this all the time. He seems to think its the direction Jaguar have gone with their suspension -=instead of luxury you feel every bump in the road Find it all unbelievable personally as the car was as smooth as anything when I bought it 12 months ago !
  8. No, but Jaguar are doing a drive test with me tomorrow, so they can feel the problem, and then investigate. I'm not holding my breath though - as I have had this before with a previous Jaguar, and ended up changing so many bits of suspension, and never go tot the bottom of it (Admittedly that want with a Jag dealer, but a private garage)
  9. I have a 2015 2.2 Diesel XF on about 45k miles Car is in great condition, well looked after, but has developed a wobble. Very hard to describe but feels like every dint in the road is exaggerated, and every road without any holes or bumps, you can still feel an exra wobble as it drives (any speed) - almost like every few revolutions of wheels its going over a small bump. Its just been in for 4 year service and MOT, at Jaguar which is passed with flying colours, and they confirmed the suspension is fine. Tyres all ok, apart from one which has a puncture repaired. Jaguar recommended balancing the wheels, to fix the problem which they did - at a steep cost, and this has resulted in the wobble being more noticeable, not less. What makes me nervous is that I had similar problem with my last car an S-type which resulted in me replacing nearly every suspension part possible, but it never really went - just cost a fortune, and that was not via Jaguar, but a local garage. Any thoughts / clues appreciated ?
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