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  1. I had occasion to attempt to fit the space saver spare on the rear of my 2005 S. The wheel is brand new, never been used so you can imagine my surprise when I found that it did not fit! The centre aperture was too small to fit over the bearing casing. I found this strange. Has anyone else had this problem? Do these spares have a variety of centre apertures? I spoke to Jaguar hoping that I could swap this brand new non-fitting wheel for one that does fit but they were not playing. They wanted to sell me one that fitted! The difference is fairly minimal so I am thinking of grinding away the centre until it fits. Anyone got any ideas please.
  2. Sorry Clive - this is a late reply. I only came back to post an update on the problem(s) as follows. I added some Redex to the fuel on the assumption that my low mileage is not too good for a diesel engine and a bit of a clean might help! It worked! The engine light went out and stayed out. The air conditioning problem has been diagnosed as the heater control valve so you are right, it is separate from the restricted performance issue. Everyone is telling me that it is very difficult to change this valve and don't seem too keen to do the work. I am currently searching for a garage that can undertake the work.
  3. Thanks for the response, Simon - I wondered about this and I think you are right. Although the car went into low performance mode on heavy acceleration, indicating perhaps an egr piston problem. I was able to reset a few times by restarting but now the amber engine light is on permanently. However, the first time it went into low performance mode, I also lost air con at the same time and the car got very hot inside. (engine temp was normal). I suppose the answer is to sort the engine problem first then see what happens to the air con.
  4. My "S" has decided to go into 'reduced performance' mode although it still seems to perform better than lots of things on the road! However, can anyone tell me if loss of air conditioning is also part of the 'reduced performance' mode or do I have an additional problem? I was wondering whether the ECU also removes the AC compressor to reduce engine load. Thanks Bob
  5. I used to be one too, Ron. I had MGB tourers in the 1960's and we always flashed each other! You did NOT flash MGB GT's! Then when the rubber bumpers came out, it all stopped and that killed off the cameraderie. I think it also killed off the marque. As far as jags are concerned, there are probably too many of them to flash every time you see one.
  6. Elmley Castle, near Pershore, Worcestershire
  7. Hi Ron and Joe Good to hear your views. I agree that the answer to happy motoring is never to make allowances for any fault - always chase it down and put it right. There is no substitute for carefree motoring.
  8. Hi Trevor Why not pull the plug on the side that's still working? Then both sides will look the same... Bob
  9. Hello all. I'm knocking on a bit now (73) but I have always liked power and performance. I have not yet grown out of that, but these days I also add comfort to my requirements! My last two cars were a BMW 730 followed by a very much loved BMW 850 which I took to South Africa with me when I retired. I returned to England but before I returned, I sold the 850 after 10 years of the happiest motoring you can imagine. I actually sobbed like a child when I sold that car!! So back in England I had the opportunity to buy a car that I have never really liked the look of... It was metallic black with a chrome grill and really shouted JAGUAR. The peace and quiet, and the silent power of this car verged on dumb insolence, and was more than enough to convince me that this was my next car. And what a lot of car you get for the price! I have had mine for just over a year and I still get a kick out of driving it. It is a big, heavy, comfortable, quiet beasty and we seem to have grown to respect each other. I know that I will be financially screwed if anything really serious goes wrong with the car so what better than a Forum with like minded people most, of whom, will be lots cleverer than me. I might even have a few answers myself... Hey ho Bob
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