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George last won the day on April 29 2022

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  1. Oop's I posted the wrong picture, I've ordered LED head lights!


  2. My all new XF 2.0D Portfolio has been given a build date 18 Mar 16, roll on delivery.



  3. Sorry I forgot to report back. But they have been fitted for nearly two and a half years without any further problems
  4. Happy Birthday George!

  5. Hi, I have the same problem with my 2006 X Type 3Ltr, I will try to find a the bleed valve to see if there is air in the system. But today after driving for 15 mins with cold air blowing on me I stopped the engine for a minute and when turned back on there was instant heat, so I think it is more of a valve sticking. Do you know if the S type valve is the same as for the X type? I cant see any X type valves on eBay. George
  6. Found these on ebay, so i've ordered a set. Once fitted I'll report back on if they are any good George
  7. Steve, yes I've asked the dealer but it comes as part of the cover which is £33.14 (primed) each and seeing that i need 2 is a little over the top. They must sell them seperate because i have a black one and a grey one fitted so it must have been replaced in the past. If I can't find a supply (at reasonable cost) I will end up making something myself. I will try 247, cheers George
  8. Can anybody suggest where I can get 2 plastics crosses that hold the Headlight washer cover to the headlight washjet arm? George
  9. Hi My iPhone 4 connected without problem to my 06 3.0L saloon. Do you have the #code to connect? (it is ##3#*# and my pass key is 1313) George
  10. Hi Indie, Ive only had my 06 Jag since March and there is little evidence of stone chips on it. I have been on a couple of long moterdrives (Newbury to S/Wales) and she does not show the stone chips that my 04 Mondeo does. I've looked at Utube videos of the vinyl being applied and I would certainly like to have a go appling it (I'd practice on the Mondeo). Have you costed it? George
  11. Gerry I'm also new to auto driving, but I just use the same dicipline as gear driving. When I stop at lights I apply the handbrake and place in neutral, allowing me to remove my foot from the brake. (stops blinding any one behind you). Never go into neutral withou the use of a brake because the car will roll Happy Driving George
  12. It's all about the preperation! Wash the car with a good mitt using Fairy Liquid in warm water (this will remove old wax/polish), next Claybar the car using a good car shampoo / water mix (15%) as a lubricant. Wash car as normal using good car shampoo and dry. Polish car. Weekly I then quick wash and then use a wet wax to dry and buff. I also like to touch up the plastic bits to keep them black and keep the windows clean with glass cleaner and every couple of weeks use a trye gel / prep, if these are not done even when the car is clean the overall look is still not right. I use Autoglym, but when you only use abvout 20ml per wash it does go a long way. I also don't over spary with the wet wax.
  13. Kirkby, Merseyside
  14. Meet Bridget, she is an 2006 3.0 Sovereign. It is the first name of her first owner.
  15. Welcome to the Jaguar forums George :)

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