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About Andyden71

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  1. Can anyone find me the correct link to where I can buy the gasket and o rings for my 2003 2.5 V6 auto s type please I just can’t find them. Also on the back of the inlet how do I remove the brake servo pipe thank you.
  2. After changing the coil packs and spark plugs on cylinders 1,3 & 5 on bank 1 as codes was telling me of a multiple misfire. I now have a P1549 code and engine light comes on every time car is started but runs great. Iv read it’s a air leak could it be the iMT O Rings or simply this pipe in photo attached.
  3. Cheers joe great help I’m gonna Just change the plugs and coil packs
  4. Can someone find me a full set of coils packs for a 2003 2.5 V6 auto as I’m finding some but not sure if they are the correct ones. Also I’m after the correct heater control unit for the same car thank you.
  5. Iv just checked again as engine light came back on and I can up with misfire on cylinders 1,3 and 5 also a P1313 misfire Catalist bank on bank number 1 any ideas what they are
  6. I’m just getting a misfire and afew cylinders and get a restricted performance on the dash
  7. Iv done a dinostics on my 2.5 V6 auto after a amber light and engine light with restricted performance came on the display which showed up misfires in afew banks so I’m gonna change the spark plugs I’m wanting to know what’s the best plugs to buy or could it be the coil pack ?? I use a icarsoft i930
  8. What can cause a Amber dash light engine light and restricted performance come on dash then go off after afew seconds. Car drives great and it’s a 2.5 V6 petrol auto.
  9. That’s out of order but if no one sees it happen they just drive away
  10. Iv bought a new uncut key the same as the ones in the video for my s Type has anyone programmed one of these keys. I went into Timpsons and the lad said he won’t do it as he as been told not to program a customers own key as it said made in China on the clear packet. He did say he will supply and program one for me but it would cost me £299 he might be able to do it for £250
  11. Well finally got the gearbox fluid changed gears change nice and smooth now
  12. Thank you I will give that a look tomorrow
  13. What will happen if you change the fluid in a 2.5 V6 automatic gearbox and you dont use the ZF lifeguard oil/fluid
  14. Anyone know they possible reason the blowers seem to only blow hot air it’s so hot outside and even hotter inside
  15. Well Iv just received the parts I need to do the auto box fluid I ordered all the parts and fluid from a company called AUTODOC thinking it was in the uk turns out there in Berlin Germany. I ordered the oil pan with bolts ( Trucktek ) make a tcm and 7ltrs of fluid. Today my parcels arrive to find out Iv received a (stark ) make oil pan no bolts the tcm and the 7ltrs is fluid. I’m waiting on a reply from AUTODOC as I believe they have changed my order as I never even seen the Stark oil pan list on there site and I knew I defo need these new pan bolts.
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