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Dusty Miller

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Everything posted by Dusty Miller

  1. Yes, I was gutted with my S-Type too. I didn't have a problem with the gearbox on my S-Type, but just about everything else seemed to be going wrong so I got rid of it and bought a foreign made car. The build standard on my S-Type was not good. I had it from new in Sept 2006 and it was the most beautiful and expensively bad car I haves ever owned. Don't think I will be owning another Jag. The Coventry kids let me down.
  2. I have finally given up my dream car. It was an S-Type 2.7 Diesel, purchased brand new in September 2006 and was going to be the car that would see me to the end of my driving days having retired in 2004. Wonderful performance, great to drive and with those elegant looks which were the hallmark of Jaguar in the past. My dreams started to fade in January 2009 at approximately 20,000 miles when a chirping noise like a cage full of canaries developed in the engine bay. Fixed by fitting a new aux drive belt. August 2009, a month before the warranty expired. A badly fitted speaker box in the front passenger door had leaked a substantial amount of water into the foot-well following a rain storm. I had a feeling that it was not uncommon as the garage fixed it very promptly. March 2010 at approximately 31,000 miles the chirping noise returned and was fixed by fitting another aux drive belt, this time at my cost as the vehicle was out of warranty. At this time the rear suspension had developed an annoying squeak which was repaired by fitting a number of components including both rear wishbone arms at a considerable cost. I found it very surprising that these components should have failed after such a short service life and considering that the vehicle had been driven on good roads with only the front seats occupied most of the time. When challenged, Jaguar agreed to pay half of the costs of the repair. September 2010 - Another substantial water leak, this time through the speaker box on the driver's door. The dealer took no notice of my advice that it was probably the speaker box seal and instead adjusted the door striker, which had no effect on the leak. They wouldn't listen to me and insisted that they would have to perform a complete water integrity check, at some extortionate cost. I got my money back for the unnecessary cost of adjusting the striker and fixed the leak myself. It was a badly fitted seal around the speaker box, as I had suspected. March 2011 at approximately 41,000 miles the squeak reappeared in the rear suspension. During the subsequent investigation with an independent garage I discovered that the left rear brake pads were worn out and the disc was very badly worn. This appeared to be the result of a badly fitted calliper carrier which caused the pads to be at an angle to the disc. The dealer was the last to work on the brakes when they fitted new pads in August 2009 at 25883 miles (just 15000 miles previously). Not being able to identify the source of the noise from the rear suspension I took the vehicle back to the dealer. To say I was surprised when they fixed the noise by fitting yet another set of rear wishbone arms would be an understatement. I challenged the dealer, but I did not have the old parts. When I said that the 12 month parts warranty should be applied, both the dealer and Jaguar refused on the grounds that the invoice for the work was issued one day after the warranty expired. April 2011 at approximately 42,000 miles the chirping aux drive belt made its self apparent once again (less than one year and 10,000 miles since the previous replacement). This time the dealer changed the tensioner as well as the belt. Following some correspondence complaining about the rear wishbone arms, the dealer agreed to some compensation which I accepted. I hoped that I now had a vehicle which would give me some trouble free motoring for a couple of years. WRONG During one of the few hot days we have had this summer, I discovered they the two centre air vents in the dashboard would not blow air, cold or otherwise. The problem appeared to be in the air distribution box. At almost the same time the rear parking sensor system began to malfunction. Having had enough, I got rid of my beautiful S-Type. It was a bit like having a beautiful but fast lady on you arm. HIGH MAINTENANCE AND UNRELIABLE. NO MORE JAGUARS FOR ME.
  3. I purchased a brand new S Type 2.7D SE in September 2006. After about 2 years it developed a chirping noise, like a load of sparrows under the bonnet. The dealer fitted a new auxiliary drive belt and this appeared to cure the problem. Unfortunately the noise returned about a year later and once again a new aux drive belt was fitted. The noise is back again and I cannot believe that it is neccessary to fit new aux drive belts every 12 to 18 months. The noise mostly goes away when the vehicle has been driven for an hour or two. Has anyone else had this problem and, if so, what was the diagnosis. I am convinced I have a "friday car" as it has had so many niggling faults, not to mention the worn out rear suspension after only thirty something thousand miles. I have written to Jaguar, but the response was to tell me I should have taken an extended warranty and that they would cover the cost of my next service. I love driving the S Type, but I am a bit put off buying another Jag.
  4. Thanks Steve I know the mileage is genuine as I have had the car since new. The evidence that it has been driven reasonably is that the first set of tyres were changed at 31,000 + miles. Jaguar payed half the repair bill as compensation, but it still left me with a bill for over £700. I wonder if I would gain anything by contacting Jaguar direct? Thanks again. Dusty
  5. I bought a new Jaguar S Type 2.7 D SE Automatic in September 2006. It currently has been driven almost 32,000 miles, mostly on motorways in the UK. Recently it developed a groan from the rear suspension and an anoying chirp from the auxiliary drive belt. The Jaguar dealer, who sold the car and who has done all the maintainance since, reported that the vehicle requires a considerable amount of work and parts (N/S/R LOWER ARM, O/S/R LOWER ARM, 2 REAR SHOCKER BUSHES, AUXILIARY BELT). I am quite surprised to have this kind of problem at this stage of the vehicle's life and of course the associated costs (a little under £1,200). This is my first Jaguar, although I have had other luxury vehicles, and I wonder if any of the club members have had similar problems. I have always supported British built products, and the S Type is a joy to drive, so I am hoping that this is just a bit of bad luck and that following the repair I can look forward to years of trouble free motoring. Any information or views would be most welcome. Dusty
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