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Jon Hyde

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Jon Hyde last won the day on February 29 2024

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  1. Thanks Jim, I'll take a look later (when the frost melts!) Jon
  2. Hi All, I'm wondering if anyone can suggest the source of a droning sound coming from the left rear of my 2017 XF-S 3.0D. I'm thinking it must be exhaust related since it happens at any speed and in any gear, even when stationary and gently revved. It isn't particularly annoying, but it is beginning to bug me! Any suggestions gratefully received! Cheers, Jon
  3. Hi John & Jim, Thanks for your advice - I should have known that anyway! It's booked-in for new (rear) pads on Thursday. Thanks again, Jon
  4. Hi All, Looking for a bit of advice, just had a message telling me that my brake pads are worn. Does anyone have an idea of how far I have left to drive before they really have to be replaced. Looking to make a trip to see in-laws before Christmas! Cheers, Jon
  5. Hi Kevin, Yes, (touching wood as I type!), no electrical problems since the battery was replaced! Cheers! Jon
  6. Hi John, If getting to Pulborough, West Sussex is possible for you, I'd recommend a chat with the people at Arun Automotive. They're an independent Jaguar specialist and have the 'proper' Jaguar code readers. Also not as expensive as a main dealer. Good luck! Jon
  7. Sorry, forgot the link to the HERE download site... https://www.jaguar.here.com/index.php#home/0
  8. Hi Gary, I also have a 2017 XF. We may not have the same satnav system (mine doesn't use DVDs - it's a download to PC, copy to USB and load from the USB to the car). My subscription to Here (the map provider) via Jaguar cost £129, but that's for three years of multiple downloads covering UK, all of Europe and, bizarrely, Russia. The maps are updated regularly (at least monthly), but I probably get them once every three months or so. Hope that's of some help. Cheers, Jon
  9. Hi Paul, I'm sure stranger things happen, but it doesn't say much for quality control. Glad you got it sorted though! Jon
  10. Seriously, why would you? Just asking...!
  11. Not sure about Ford (I'm sure I'll be corrected), but... Stream
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