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  1. Rumour has it that the fuel pump belt is good for 150k miles and has no time limit...
  2. Cheers Peter, that makes me feel better. Joe, I agree with you. That said, I phoned around a few dealerships today, and they all said that they had never heard of a belt snapping because it was more than ten years old. I then asked them how much they would charge to change the belt... 😉 I'll do it anyway - does anyone know of a reputable independent in the Guildford area? The main reason for the question was me trying to establish if it is reasonably safe to carry on until I can get it booked in for replacement - it is my only transport at the moment.
  3. Cheers Peter, yes that makes sense to me. Not quite so happy to hear your car had to have a new engine at 28k though! Hopefully mine will keep going for a bit longer. Many thanks for the reply.
  4. Hi, I have an 2004 S-Type 2.7 diesel with 55,000 miles on the clock. I understand that the timing belt should be changed every 105,000 miles or ten years, whichever comes first. I'm pretty sure mine is on the original belt. So my question is, has anyone ever heard of a belt breaking due to age rather than mileage? I have owned some cars with perfectly healthy belts that were 25 years old, but conversely, the belts on Alfa 156s were infamous for snapping once they got to five years. Anyone know?
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