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  1. I generally switch the auto start/stop off as soon as I get the car started, I find them very annoying indeed. I got into the car the other day and had forgotten to turn it off, but, got to traffic lights and no start/stop working. OK, perhaps the battery was low, so being retired I took the car for a good hours drive down the A11 and back. I thought this would also give the DPF a good clear out too. Got back to sunny Norwich came to the first set of traffic lights and still the start/stop didn't work. I had the air con off and all indications were normal, has anyone any ideas what the problem is? If it's the battery on the blink I'd rather change it now than wait for the first cold day of winter to find out. regards to All, Pete
  2. Firefighter, I bought my XF a year ago and ever since I've had the car the stop/start has only worked when the engine is fully up to temp. and Ive been driving for a while. Someone on here will maybe tell me that there's something wrong with it, but quite honestly I would prefer to be able to switch it off permanently. I find them a nuisance , but I hope you get yours sorted. I'm sorry I can't give you an answer on fixing it, but that's my experience as a first time owner. Regards Pete
  3. Greg, many thanks for the reply, I’ll do that in the morning Pete
  4. Hi All, I hope everyone is managing to stay safe in the current pandemic. My XF has just had its first MOT and I got the advisory that my rear discs and pads would soon need replacement. Has anyone got and good advice as to which make I buy to replace them with? I know Jaguar will quite happily take my money but why spend that kind of money unnecessarily? Hopefully the more experienced Jaguar owners on this board could give me the benefit of their advice. I should add that I’m in the Norwich area if you know of a reliable garage too. regards and stay safe, Pete
  5. PeteL


    Hi Jon, thanks for the reply. I went to ATS, and they were very near what you have just quoted. I was speaking to an old friend and he suggested Black Circles and ASDA. Both were within a few pounds of each other and way cheaper than the high street. ATB Pete
  6. PeteL


    Afternoon everyone, my tyres are getting within a couple of thousand miles of needing replacement and they are Goodyear Eagle F1. I know the quality of them is good so am just looking for advice on any other tyres that are still suitable (preferably cheaper) but definitely not Japanese no grips. Any thoughts much appreciated I should have added that about the cheapest I’ve found the F1s is ASDA tyres. regards Pete
  7. Hi John, thanks for the update. All I get from my dealer is that the oil is on back order. I’ll update as and when it gets done. Definitely not in December as I’ll be sunning myself in Antigua:-))))
  8. Hi Roy, only a stab in the dark,but could your satnav need an update or indeed need a space between the two halves of the postcode? All the best in finding out Pete
  9. I took mine for a good run yesterday after putting in the snake oil. I ran it for 20 minutes at 3000 rpm purely as preventative maintenance. Hopefully it will have cleaned any soot out that has accumulated. I’ll update if I notice any difference in power or mpg Pete
  10. Hi Alex, why not buy it back off them so that you can re-use all of the parts that you have lovingly put and and looked after. Only a thought. Pete
  11. Hi Jon, I have a similar limiter in mine, extremely reliable too :-)) Joe, I get in and on every trip I give it a good heavy right foot for at least part of every journey. Mine is only 3 years old and 26K on the clock. I don’t know how it was driven before I got it so I’ve got some snake oil of some description to put in tomorrow to give it preventative maintenance. I’ve driven diesels for the last 20 years and because of the mileage I used to do I’ve always used supermarket fuel and never had a problem. Hence I give it some welly on every trip now I’ve been put out to pasture. I don’t know if I’ve helped at all but my mpg is what it is. cheers for now. Pete
  12. Grey with ivory interior is my favourite. I’ve only had mine since May, but right now for me it’s puuurrrfect. ( sorry I know it’s corny but it is a Jag ) Pete
  13. Alex, it looks like your car is telling you something:-))). I hope you get it sorted out soon, and once it dries out things all work for you. Get your finger sorted out and it will hopefully things can’t get any worse. By the way, will the insurance cough up?
  14. Hi John, no I only know what I got told right at the start of all this. However, having checked two weeks ago with my dealer “ the oil is on back order “. I have to call them again in November Regards to all
  15. This is my first Jag so my advice extremely limited but if you like it get it. You’re only here once Pete
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