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  1. I changed the format, hopefully these will open for you. Steve
  2. IMG_0812.HEICIMG_0812.HEICIMG_0812.HEICIMG_0813.HEICIMG_0375(1).HEICIMG_0396(1).HEICIMG_0395(1).HEIC
  3. Hi Ken, You can look up the part number AJ812891, what I see on the jaguar parts page is 2010 base up to 2017 R, SVR Steve
  4. NAV, Here is the name of the company that actually manufactures the engines for Jag, maybe you can call them and ask if this is the same block for the range rover Autocraft Drivetrain Solutions Limited TEL: 01476 581311 | FAX: 01476 581301 | EMAIL: [email protected] | WEB: http://www.autocraftds.com Hope this helps Steve
  5. see attached, when I was looking into rebuilding the jag (2010 XKR) I found RR had the same parts but different part numbers. I believe the 5.0 Jag and RR are based off the same block but you need to confirm for yourself, I don't want to you buy something you can't use. I went for the short block because I wasn't able to find much info on bearings and getting the crank ground down and then get oversized bearings. Decided the safest bet was the get the block with new crank pistons rods etc. The photos I took when I first got the engine, if you need more you might need to wait till weekend. Where are you located.IMG_0375(1).HEIC IMG_0812.HEIC IMG_0813.HEIC IMG_0397(1).HEIC IMG_0396(1).HEIC IMG_0395(1).HEIC IMG_0403.HEIC
  6. bought it last year, so nearing a year now. The block for the NA and super charged are the same, Its the heads that determines the compression. Look the part number up on a jaguar dealer parts site, it will show the applications, any Jag with 5.0 liter block its good for. Let me know if you need any more info. I have a XKR-S now, so if I don't sell it I'll just keep it for a spare, its in the original shipping crate. Steve
  7. Actually that is an older post, I re-posted today and yes its still available.
  8. Hi Dana, I also have a white XKR-S, 2014. Interesting how yours has the cross beam and side scoops blacked out, looks like the previous owner was going for a GT look. I'm a little north of you in Seattle, I had a set of after market forged alloys that I put on her, I like the look plus have Michelins on her instead of Pirelli's
  9. Bought this new from Jaguar, I was going to rebuild the engine in a 2010 XKR that blew a rod. Project was abandoned due to lack of interest from my kids that were supposed to help. List price for these are about $8,800 asking $5,750, can help arrange shipping. Located near Seattle (Newcastle) WA 98056 Thanks for looking. Steve IMG_0398(1).HEIC
  10. I bought a 2010 XKR with a blown engine. Idea was to rebuild the engine with my 3 young boys (12, 11 and 6), and as you might imagine I made great progress for a few weeks then it turned from fun to work and they lost interest. By that time I'd ordered and bought a brand new short block from Jaguar AJ812891 (these retail around $9,000). So long story short I sold the car as a project to another brave soul, who has actually swapped the engine from a wrecked car and its back on the road. I now have a brand new engine sat in my garage waiting on the next car in need. Let me know if you need any more info, if I don't sell it I guess I'll have a spare should my XKR-S ever need one but that isn't my ideal. Asking $6,500 plus shipping. IMG_0814.HEIC IMG_0367(1).HEIC IMG_0368(1).HEIC IMG_0369(1).HEIC IMG_0370(1).HEIC IMG_0371(1).HEIC IMG_0372(1).HEIC IMG_0373(1).HEIC IMG_0374(1).HEIC IMG_0375(1).HEIC IMG_0395(1).HEIC IMG_0396(1).HEIC IMG_0397(1).HEIC IMG_0403.HEIC IMG_0812.HEIC IMG_0813.HEIC
  11. Hi Dave, I'm down in Seattle and take my car (2014 XKR-S that I bought in Vancouver) off the road for winter, in addition to the battery tender, I have a garage not to far from me that sells ethanol free gas, I run her as low as possible and fill her up with a tankful of that gas, I also use these to stabilize the fuel and clean the injectors. Others also suggest adding a few pounds of air to your tires to help wit flat spots. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076B2WH3L/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Good look and see you in the spring. Steve
  12. Hi Ant, I'm in the middle of respraying the front bumper cover on my XKR-S (removing license plate holes), so I do know how to get it out. There are 3 bolts in total to remove, 2 you can remove from the front of the car with the hood up - they should be obvious, there is a third bolt which requires you taking the wheel liner off and removing it from the inside of the wheel well. Once all 3 are removed and you unplug the connector it should come out. A little fiddly but doable. Let me know if you need any photos. Steve
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