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  1. Hello all, I'm looking at a nice (not excessively nice) m.y.1996 Daimler Double Six 6.0. She comes with the 5-speed auto 'box and already has 213000 Km on her.. As I'd have her more than thoroughly serviced, I was toying with the idea of replacing the 5-speed auto box with the more recent (and better, so they say) 6-speed. Question: would it be a straight swap, or would there be "compatibility issues" with ECU software, or even bellhousing? Just a thought...
  2. Hi Paul, I had a SIII Daimler Sovereign with the same XK engine and suffered the same problems. Possible causes: 1. Water pump not pumping; see if belt slips, check pulley and belt, smears are telltale, eventually a toothed belt will slip a lot less than a smooth belt 2. Water not flowing evenly and freely within the engine block - gunk? deposits over the years? You need to "wash&rinse" the waterways (*) 3. Thermostat not opening properly; replace thermostat 4. Fan turning too slowly or has too few blades (It's warmer these times compared to 50 years ago); try an 8-blade fan from the S3 Sovereigns, and/or a "blowing" electric fan (Kenlowe etc.) on the front side of the radiator (very thin and will not show through the grille) (*) You can also consider a "waterless" cooland liquid, which will work from -40°C to +140°C; this means no issues with antifreeze in the winter and safe operating temperatures up to and beyond "off the scale" readings of your temp gauge - it's worth considering... Click here to read about waterless coolant Cheers, Maurizio, Rome, Italy [note: same post as in your earlier thread, but chances are you've abandoned that and concentrating here]
  3. Hi Paul, I had a SIII Daimler Sovereign with the same XK engine and suffered the same problems. Possible causes: 1. Water pump not pumping; see if belt slips, check pulley and belt, smears are telltale, eventually a toothed belt will slip a lot less than a smooth belt 2. Water not flowing evenly and freely within the engine block - gunk? deposits over the years? You need to "wash&rinse" the waterways (*) 3. Thermostat not opening properly; replace thermostat 4. Fan turning too slowly or has too few blades (It's warmer these times compared to 50 years ago); try an 8-blade fan from the S3 Sovereigns, and/or a "blowing" electric fan (Kenlowe etc.) on the front side of the radiator (very thin and will not show through the grille) (*) You can also consider a "waterless" cooland liquid, which will work from -40°C to +140°C; this means no issues with antifreeze in the winter and safe operating temperatures up to and beyond "off the scale" readings of your temp gauge - it's worth considering... Click here to read about waterless coolant Cheers, Maurizio, Rome, Italy
  4. Hello, I am curious to know if it would be possible to transplant a J-gate auto'box onto a S3 XJ6/12.

    The S3 auto'box is sturdy and dependable but with only three gears fuel economy is abysmal. 

    Thank you. 

  5. Hello, I am curious to know if it would be possible to transplant a J-gate auto'box onto a S3 XJ6/12.

    The S3 auto'box is sturdy and dependable but with only three gears fuel economy is abysmal. 

    Thank you. 

  6. Hi, just a thought... To the best iof your knowledge, is the 6.0 V12 the same origin XK block as the previous 5.3 V12 ? I ask because the old 5.3 V12s used the old GM 3-spped automatic, and even with limited/no ECU controlò, I wonder if the newer 6:8speed boxes off the 6.0 V12 could be adapted...
  7. Hello, my name is Maurizio Pescatori, I live in Rome, Italy. I am a retired Colonel, Italian Army. Back in the day as a dashing Major I was Liaison Officer at HM's Forces, and drove a Daimler Sovereign SIII 4.2 Unfortunately I had to sell her when I left.. Now that I'm retired, I am looking at gettimng myself another... Best regards, Maurizio
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