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  1. Hi all, I have a 2.0 petrol 2019 XF estate. A couple of little gremlins are creeping in. The first being the boot struts, it's an electronic opener and it opens to its full height and then slowly drops down, sometimes by a little, sometimes by a lot... (silently!) Just in time for me smashing my head on the catch. I've checked and reset the open position so that it should definitely be held open fully. I've had some mixed information, someone has said the struts need replacing are plug and play and I've also been told they need coding to the car by an authorised mechanic. Which is true? I'm handy enough to change most things buy I don't have anything to plug into the computer ports. If they are user changeable, anyone know of anywhere other than the Jag service desk that sells quality replacements? Finally, one of the key fobs rubber buttons has started to fail. The innards are all good, can I get just an outer shell from somewhere, ideally with the Jag motif on the back? Thanks Gaz 20220821_110013.mp4
  2. Hi all, I have a 2014 3.0 XF r-sport, it's my first Jag and I absolutely love it! With the start of the cold weather its brought my first little issue. The front heated screen has partially failed. Would be great if someone could let me know how best to solve this. Is it an autoglass job? Do they carry OEM screens? Main Dealer? Or can someone tell me a little trick to get it all firing again? I'll upload a picture to save trying to describe it. Thanks in advance guys.
  3. Hi Peter, Thanks for the reply. Yep, just hoping someone can show me what's it's supposed to look like under there. I realise it's a modern world but must admit, although I've probably only ever had to change a tyre once in my life there is a bit of security knowing theres a spare in the boot. I'm just going to take the plunge and embrace the need to save weight. Garry
  4. Hi all, I've just bought a 2014 3.0d XF Rsport and I love it! Slight niggle, I tried filling it up for the first time but it kept 'Clicking' off, looking at it when I got home the fuel protection system appears to have activated. Apparently there should be a little tool in the boot but that's missing - Typically! Whilst I was in there I noticed a bit of a strange set up, in the wheel well, I have a pump, foam, locking wheel nut, a tow eye, a red space saver and a random Halfords Jack with nowhere to live. I'm guessing the wheel and Jack don't belong and have been added. The battery seems to be missing a cover too. Does anyone have a photo of what it should look like please? That way I can try and tell what's missing, what needs replacing and what can go. The spare wheel and jack can come out as there's not a wheel brace to start with. Thanks all and I look forward to being a member
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