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Ian Hagger

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  1. Hi, I checked out the link, and it refers to the DVD update, and not the USB pen drive, I have emailed Nav-teq a second time, and again received the same automated reply, that they will contact me in 4 working days, and yet again no response. I have returned to my Jaguar Approved Dealer, who tells me they have never heard of the problem, in fact they have never done an update using the pen drive, and that I would have to leave it with them at my cost, without a guarantee of success!!!! I'm about to send a 3rd email to Nav-teq, but I have little hope, in getting any service other than the automated email. Ian
  2. Well, it's now several months since I purchased the map updates for my XF 2.2 Sport 2012, and still the update doesnt work it gets to 65% then tells me there is an error, I have reported it to Customet Services (the only link available) on the site (I tried NAV-TEQ site but there is no way of contacting anyone), I now have an inopperable sat-nav the blue tooth connectivity doesnt work I cant use my ipod and radio stations are limited, all because the update is stuck at 65%, and limits what you can do during the update process. Having sent 2 emails and both times received an auto mated reply, stating I will be contacted within 4 working days, I am still waiting. Does anyone know of a better contact, or even if Jaguar themselves can help? A rather disappointed Jaguar owner.
  3. Hi Dave, I have a 2012 XF Sport, and found that the sat-nav was very lacking when travelling, I looked at ******************** for updates where I was able to purchase the pen drive (not cheap) at £199.00 plus £8 next day delivery. The pen drive duly arrived, and following the instructions I began to update the system, approximately 2 and a half hours it may take, after 5 hours of restarting the car, it still hadnt finished, and to cut a long story short almost 2 and a half days later it finally completed the update, or so I thought, I still get directed of main highways due to traffic condition changes ahead, and sent down country lanes or asked to turn when no turn exists. Im now considering going cap in hand to my daughter (the lucky recipient of my Tom Tom live sat-nav) and begging for it back, it would of been cheaper to do this in the first place £199 can buy a lot of shoes and handbags!!!!!!!!!
  4. Welcome to the Jaguar forums Ian Hagger :)

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