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  1. I have had a service about 8 weeks ago and also had a terraclean done at the same time. Would it take this long for the oil dilution to show up. Ill check with garage tomorrow as to what oil they used. Thanks for the info joe worth looking in to👍
  2. Hi all, im looking for some advice. I have a 2010 xf 3.0l diesel and its running like a dream since purchasing, but last week on first start i noticed there was a knocking sound which sounds like its coming from the engine. Its now there on the first initial start every time when the engine is cold. After 5 mins the noise goes and the engines back to purring as normal. Any advice would be great thanks.
  3. To be honest rod it has made a difference. The throttle seems a lot more responsive and odd flat spots have gone. Seems to run smoother aswell. Would definately recommend this.
  4. I didnt really look in to this before buying thr car. I must admit i love the jag best car ive ever had and giving it a run now and then isnt to bad. Just frustrating when it happens. I have put the car in today for the terraclean so will see how i get on the next couple of weeks. Thanks for all the info though eveyone, really appreciate it.
  5. Cheers for that info joe, i was looking at it as i put a DPF cleaner in and since then i keep getting the performance restricted light on. Once the fuel filers replaced runs great again and then same thing. Just wondered if it would flush out all the crap that the DPF filter has loosened off.
  6. Cheers Leo, i'll give that a try.
  7. Thanks for the feedback Peter. It seemed good when I was reading about it but thought id test the water so to speak if anyone had tried it. I think ill get mine booked in then. Cheers
  8. Has anyone on here ever tried the terraclean on their jaguar. Im thinking of getting it done and just wondered if theres any pro's or con's to having this. The reviews on it looks pretty good and helps with fuel, emissions and general engine cleaning. Thanks all.
  9. I'll give that ago, thanks for the advice. Is there anything I could use to put in the channels to prevent this.
  10. Hi all, I’m after a bit of advice. I have the XF model 2010 and everything has been great until we had that nice weather last weekend. I put the window down for a bit and when trying to close it it went up a few inches started to struggle and then came straight back down. After an hour battling with it I eventually got it closed by inching the window up in small movements. Sometimes the button wouldn’t even respond and I had to wait 5 mins or so until it worked again. I tried it today after all this rain we’ve had and it goes up perfectly again. I’m thinking the rain has somehow helped???? Any ideas anyone. Thanks.
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