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Everything posted by Bluey

  1. Apparently the E Pace comes with option of either summer tyres or all weather tyres. Just had a Chequered Flag delivered with summer tyres. Interested to know any info on difference between both and whether summer tyres on this model cause any issues in rain, ice or snow Thanks
  2. After buying my 1st Jaguar in September (new 69 plate E Pace) I'd vowed to never buy another as it was an horrendous car with more faults than a tennis player with his laces tied together. I've relented and accepted a replacement and hopefully 2nd time around doesn't bring deja vu. Shortly will pick up new E Pace Chequered Flag, so would welcome any feedback, good bad or indifferent, on this model. In truth I have low expectations, therefore any better than the skip on wheels which is the current model has to be an improvement!
  3. Unfortunately not. Dealership have not covered themselves in glory, and unfortunately this screeching is now just one in a list of faults from software issues to a tailgate that doesn't open properly. Some days I've no radio, no sat nav or hands free. I did offer a local builders merchant if he would swap me a skip for my E Pace. He declined as apparently his skip actually works ok. At least my local uber drivers are getting decent business from me!
  4. Thanks for that tip which confirmed its a SIM issue. Even changes any devices attached on the hotspot to Japanese. Tried that and it works but as I've already a Ubigi 36 month data package prepaid reckon Jaguar should be sorting and shouldn't have to pay twice.
  5. Thanks for this. Unfortunately the dealership seem unable to find the cause. Mind you if you don't know what your looking for and don't make an effort then nothing will be fixed.....you will see I'm not impressed with the dealership and their response to issues in a car just a few weeks old!
  6. My apologies, unfortunately the new car didn't come with a sarcasm filter. Yep I did pose a question (re schreecing noise) looking for some help and was advised I'd put it in the wrong forum (EPace) therefore asked in the general forum. If I realised asking a question precluded one from making a general observation around my experience of buying a 1st Jag (incl long delay, shark fin, radio coverage, ubugi SIM data, infotainment language etc) I would have saved oneself from the bother. Obviously I got confused between an open car forum and Pravda. My humblest apologies comrade!
  7. Following some work contacts with JLR I was persuaded to buy my first Jag. Plumped for an E Pace. A 8 week delivery turned into 6 months. Ive a browser that defaults into Chinese, a ubigi sms that im advised does not have enough data to be useful, fuel consumption is very poor, voice control that has a mind of its own and a radio that has poor reception range, and at the last minute JLR changed the aerial shark fin to black and not car colour which looks quite ridiculous.Add in the fact that I've an awful screech when driving each morning for about 15 seconds, don't know if it's brakes or steering, I look at the car and wish I'd went for a Kia or Toyota!
  8. I've a new 69 plate E Pace 20 model. Every morning as soon as I drive a few metres I get an awful screech from the front end. Can't determine if brakes or steering. Lasts for about 15 seconds. Dealership picking up next week but interested if anyone had similar issue? First Jaguar and unimpressed that it sounds like a cat getting strangled every morning! Any suggestions? Thanks
  9. I've a new E Pace 20 model. Every morning as soon as I drive a few metres I get an awful screech from the front end. Can't determine if brakes or steering. Lasts for about 15 seconds. Any suggestions? Thanks
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