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Christopher Pearcey

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About Christopher Pearcey

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  1. Hi, does anybody know if its possible to change a bulb on the instrument cluster without replacing the whole thing? The light that shines down the speedy needle has packed in so difficult to see in the dark. The dealer says it would be a new cluster at £950 plus VAT which seems ridiculous when it would seem to be a faulty bulb issue!
  2. Hi, Kev I bought the usb stick off ebay for my 2012 jaguar XF with hard drive sat nav last year for £85. Had an issue with the first USB stick received not working but he quickly sent out a replacement hich installed fine. Seller was navi-expert-uk. Price depends on whether you want UK only, Europe etc. but worth a look
  3. Hi, I read somewhere on the 'net' that there may be a 'fix' for the slow start up of the reversing camera display on my 2012 Jaguar XF - anybody come across this or have more info? The display can be really slow to engage sometimes
  4. Hi, wonder if anybody can help me. I recently purchased a speed cam alert from http://www.speedcamupdates.com/jaguar-xf and am struggling to install and wondered if anybody had a similar problem. The install instructions are below ehich I have followed, but at point 11 its not recognising I have inserted a USB stick so wont give me the options. I have tried a couple of different USB sticks but no joy. I have previously updated the maps via USB without any issue (its the hard drive sat nav rather than disk). Any help would be much appreciated as not getting any response from the web site Extract files from the SpeedcamUpdates zip package. If the file you have downloaded is not a ZIP file means the file is already decompressed, and you can continue with the next step of this installation instructions. Start The Engine (Ignition may switch off otherwise while you are installing the GPX files). Insert USB Stick containing the Speed Camera POI's (POI files must be in .GPX format (See Handbook) and in the root folder of the drive, not in sub-folders. Do the following: Touch the Nav Button Touch Nav. Menu Button Touch More Button Touch Stored Locations Touch My POI Button Touch Add Button Touch "USB Drive" Button You should now see a list of the POI's on your USB Stick Touch the type of POI you want to install (Do one at a time, it is much much safer that way) When you have installed all the POI's you want to install go to Edit and touch the Edit Button. This should bring up all the POI's you have installed including any previous ones you have installed. Touch the Speed Camera File you want to Edit (Example, Gatso-Mobile-Pmobile-Red Light-Specs), this will bring up a Menu to allow you to change the sound and Switch the Sound and Show on Map On or Off . NB it is recommended that you Switch both Sound and Shown on the Map to On. To change the sound go to the Icon shown on Left Hand Side of screen Touch the Sound Icon it will bring up a list of Installed Sounds touch the one you want for that particular Camera & DON'T FORGET to touch OK before leaving that Menu Screen otherwise it will default to all Off. Repeat this for all the Speed Camera Files you want to Edit, touching OK after each Edit. Touch Return to Map after you have Edited all the Cameras you want and Remove your USB stick. Take the Car for a Drive near to some cameras you know about and test to see if working OK.
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