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  1. Got the jammed door open....Removed the chrome strip and rubber seal on the outside of the door. Removed the plastic door pull cover and the screw that holds the lever. Using a plastic lever, moved the top part of the door trim out about 80mm and pulled the door lever up so I could remove the cable. Still couldn't remove door trim as jammed against the side of the seat and the dash. Pulled the cable continually while working the outside door handle and the remote button and after about 2 minutes the door suddenly opened. Now it doesn't continually lock and can be opened at any door BUT now won't lock at all so must be the actuator faulty. Will update when a new one sourced and fitted.
  2. Ok, so I guess you mean the door lock actuator which is located in the door. I will check that but I need to get the door opened first so I can remove the side panel. Thanks
  3. Replace the compressor. Berkshire Jag Components can supply an aftermarket for around $450
  4. It's called a TX Valve and is under the dash. I would suggest adding some dye into the gas to establish if there is a leak as compressors in this model normally pack it in around the 160k mark and have to be replaced. Factory is around $900 and aftermarket $400. Some times the valve will sort itself out by alternately turning the compressor on and off while driving and that has worked for me in the past.
  5. Have a 99 Stype V6 and found remote locking button not locking doors and then a week later the doors all started locking without activating the button. Bit embarrassing after filling fuel and leaving the key in the ignition> Now I cannot open the passengers door at all either from the inside, outside, remote or key. Want to take off door panel and check switch but don't know how to open the door. Grant Tasmania Aust
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