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Chidders last won the day on October 25 2021

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  1. I had a similar problem last year but found keeping battery charged up and a good long run sorted problem. Reoccurred again this spring did same again and no problem since. If it comes back I shall trie battery charge alone to see if it might be electrical before driving it 50 milers along the M1 to cure it. chidders
  2. Welcome to the club Philip. I run an 06 s type and the main thing I find is a good weekly charge of the battery with a good quality charger. you,ll find a lot of useful information on here as to individual problems. There can’t be many that haven,t been sorted by someone on here.. chidders
  3. Any update on the badges please. chidders
  4. Water probably getting in through rear light gasket, known problem. I have a leak on mine only found it after the rain on the last few weeks when I went under the boot floor.. chidders
  5. Hi Rod , is you car manual or automatic. If it’s manual it would probably be the clutch plate that’s getting oil on it and then burning it off. If it’s automatic probably needs the oil and filter changing. chidders
  6. In the for sale on this site, will the go to an enthusiast. chidders
  7. Hi Mark, welcome to the club. Glad you are enjoying ownership of your s type having sorted your problems then to get side swiped must have hid hard.. hope you’re back on the road soon. chidders
  8. Hi mick, welcome to the club. I also have a 2006 s type with the V6 diesel and have owned it since the day before lock started. Never let me down when out but failed to start on the drive one day. Jumped started it and continued with my day. Had the family buy me a trickle charger no problems since.. chidders
  9. Welcome to the club. Nice looking car. Don’t forget to visit th XX forum regularly to help with any problems Chidders
  10. Hi welcome to the club. Nice looking s type. Chidders
  11. Can’t help with your problem but am sure someone will be along shortly to assist. In the meantime wellcome to the club. Chidders
  12. Did they do the correct system reset when they fitted the battery? You can switch the system on and off, but afraid I can,t tell you how. Somewhere in on the XF forum will no doubt be along shortly to tell you how to check. Chidders
  13. Low battery on my s type causes similar problem but it’s thetraction control light that comes on and then goes off by its self..Therefore suggest check battery and use a smart charger to ensure better levels are kept up. Chidders
  14. What do you want for it Katie’s? chidders
  15. Welcome to the club you have already found the purpose,helping each other where possible without standing on your shoulder and telling you ‘you’re not doing that right’ but also pointing you in the right direction. Plentyof members with with experience of doing allsorts of jobs in the past and using that knowledge to help others chidders
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