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Everything posted by garbage-overlord

  1. Can anyone offer any suggestions about how I can fold the mirrors in? I've read the handbook on how to operate the switches if they are fitted, and read the info on here about getting them to work - however absolutely nothing happens, and there's no sign of any motors clunking or trying to work, like is suggested in some posts. Therefore I'm assuming it's not fitted with the facility. (The electric operation of the glass works normally.) I'm not overly bothered about that, as long as I can fold them in by hand, as I sometimes have to squeeze in narrow spaces. Trouble is, they seen absolutely stuck fast, and don't seem to want want move. I'm reluctant to try and force them in case I break them! On my last car, they just pushed in easily by hand - any tips on how to get mine to move? Many thanks!
  2. Apologies if this has been previously answered, my use of the search feature has so far been unsuccessful. Could anyone tell me if the rear hubs are common across all models, ie will 3.0 or 2.7 diesel ones fit my 2.5? I can obtain good condition used hubs with good bearings at reasonable cost, but some info suggests the year is important, others imply hubs are interchangeable across most years and engine sizes. Due to limited working area, I'm hoping to simply unbolt the old hub, and bolt on a replacement, thus sorting (for a while) the wheel bearing problem. Many thanks for your help.
  3. Hello, thanks for your reply. The seats are fine, its just the steering wheel, the surface has actually worn off, and looks awful. When I had the Rover 75's, I used to dye the wheels on those, it looked very effective. Ill just have to find a dye that matches the best I can. Is it beige, or sandstone, or cream, or...🙂 Ill also have to look at insurance - my current company company absolutely assaulted me with a "we dont really want to cover you" price, but I'm sure I can do better, if I can find a way to cancel my current policy part way through. A couple of niggles to look at, but all in good time.
  4. With my previous old Vauxhall failing its MOT and consigned to the scrap heap, another set of wheels was required. But what with lockdown, social distancing et la, and a distinct lack of old bangers currently around, with prices for any available seeming to have shot up, what is a man to do? Why, buy a Jaguar of course...🙄 I must resist...must resist...it will be an old dog and cost a fortune to run...resiiiiiiiiist.... ...so of course I did the sensible thing and bought it. So welcome to the world of a person who runs his vehicles on a shoe string, and will probably horrify the purists, who should look away now. So what did I end up with? The car is a 2004 2.5 automatic, with 108000 miles, British racing green with biscuit leather. Pros and cons: 😃 full 12 months MOT with only a couple of minor advisories 😀 parking sensors - beep beep! 😀 loaded with kit which all seems to work, barring a couple of minor issues 😀 impressively smooth engine which is mostly barely audible 😀 possible the smoothest automatic gearbox I've ever come across 😀 ride is quiet and clonk free 😒 terrifying handling caused by grossly underinflated tires - honestly, some people 😦 only part service history, but at the price paid, anything a bonus, and there are signs of some recent care 😊 Aircon produces cold, but not icy, air 😕 moaning rear wheel bearing 😃 an oil level check on level ground this morning revealed lovely fresh looking oil, bang on the mark. 😊 all handbooks present, and 2 keys, plus mot's going back 10 years 😊 excellent rust free bodywork, some strange scratches which might come out with a clay bar. Rust behind the sill covers? I don't want to know... 😞 wood trim I believe is called "maple" not my cup of tea, would prefer walnut, and steering wheel yukky with worn leather - has anyone tried leather dye on theirs? So, the price paid for all this was £600. How long before it goes bang? Was it a good buy for the price? I don't know, but I'm rather pleased with it so far, despite not being a fan of them previously its winning me over already...
  5. Having had a Mondeo tdci, and a family member currently with a Transit tdci, I would concur with the suggestion of cleaning the injectors. I highly recommend Millars Sport 4 diesel injector cleaner, when used in the Mondeo which always started on 3 cylnders and run rough when cold, it transformed it - cold starting roughness disappeared, and even hot running was quieter and smoother. We tried it recently on the Transit to the same effect, so the stuff still works.
  6. Yes, roll your eyes, its the "I'm-interested-in-the-S-type-what-to-look-for" post, but give me a second more!😮 I cant seem to find a decent buying guide on the S-type, and would appreciate any hands-on pointers on one I'm looking at. I've had everything from Lada's to posh cars over the years, am a big Rover fan (had 5 75's) but all the decent ones gone now. After several years of everyday cars, my mileage is quite low now, and needing to change my car, I'm considering something a little more exotic again. My current car, a Vauxhall Vectra, has served me very well, being comfortable and capable, but is ready for the scrap yard. I value comfort above all else, and want an automatic car again. I hated the S-Type when it appeared🤢, but time has been kind, or my eyes are getting weaker...the X-Type just doesn't do it for me I'm afraid, having had a problematic Mondeo probably doesn't help. I've spotted a 2004 S-Type 2.5 auto, 108000 miles, will come with 12 months MOT, looks clean and rust free, "drives well with smooth gearbox" apparently. Lairy performance isnt that important to me now (getting on a bit, don't you know?), just lazy wafting (before anyone starts shouting about 4.2's etc). Is this an engine I can service myself reasonably easily and maintain, as I do with my cars? And are there any serious issues I should look out for, or should I run for the hills? Grateful for any advise from the resident experts!😀
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