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  1. We tried repairing the track on module with no luck, so in the end we are replacing everything, we have replaced the DCCV and the module, still no change. So we have a new compressor and condenser and dryer on order. It was a decent price for the whole kit so decided to go with it. of that doesn’t work I’m giving up! Lol
  2. I have a very similar problem, mines an 06, I have changed the DCC valve as advised by others in this group but still no joy. I called my local Jag dealership and the told me that when the valve goes 9/10 it blows the AC module too. My car doesn't have SATNAV so it is located behind the controls in the center console. If you have SATNAV it will be located behind the glove box. hope that helps! Mike
  3. Hi all, We changed the DCCV and still had no cold air. I called our local dealership and they told me that almost always when the DCCV goes it blows the module. I got the module out and found a burnt line on the board, after a quick youtube search I learned how to repair it and still no joy. Is there anything else that i can check to get this problem solved? I have enlisted the help of a local mechanic,he has checked the compressor and the electric clutch and says they are both good. Is there anything else that i am missing? Many thanks
  4. UPDATE: I have changed the DCCV but still no cold air. So I suppose the next step would be the module? Any other suggestions please TIA
  5. Can someone please help me out, I cant find anything in the owners handbook showing the location of the relay that controls the ACC. I have googled it but can only find the 1999-2001 diagram. Apart from checking fuses and relays, what is the best way to diagnose what the problem is? I'm crap at the diagnosing of things, but when I'm pointed in the right direction i can usually get it done.
  6. Hi all, brand new member here, just bought an ‘06 4.2 S Type. Essentially it is a great motor but has a few little things that need sorting out. I thought it was worth the gamble! The seller plugged in a code reader and we got code P0646. I know this could be several things in the AC system, what should I check first? Is there a fuse or relay that controls this and are they located in the trunk fuse box or under the hood? TIA for your help Mike. IMG_5529.MOV
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