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  1. Goains thod Morning, An orange engine fault light has come up on my dashboard, also when I brake I get a faint? [geting old and deaf]] buzzing or humming noise, very brief, the brakes seem to work OK, I have done a couple of emergancy stops to test them. any person with more brains than me {not dificult} know what is happening? Jaguar S type 2006 63000 miles thankyou
  2. Good Morning, 3litre S type 58000miles 2006. auto' Avery silly qestion from an old man. does using the sport button increase the fuel usage. A friend says it must do because it alters the gearing. thankyou. thankyou to those who answered my Qhery about the water pump
  3. good afternoon 2006 3litre auto s type. my windscreen washer has stopped working does this mean a new pump,windscreen wipers ok thankyou
  4. Good Morning twenty years ago I had a XK series three v12[best car I have ever had!] at one stage when I had driven 20 to 30 miles, when I stopped it would release about a litre of coolant [not every time] my mechanic checked every thing -radiator, hoses and exspansion tank even changed the radiator, still did it! One day after a fifty mile journey it blew a hose of and lost all coolant. RAC man fixed hose back on and never had any more trouble Mechanic and myself are still baffled as to cause!
  5. Good Morning, Stype 2006 3ltre, I have an anomaly with my rear parking sensor,[new/used module worked perfectly for over a year] now it is very intermmitant i.e.when the battery is fully charged with my Ctec {green light} or when I have driven a longish distance. No other faults just rear parking . Anybody got any thoughts? I did think of the fuse but the they either work or don't work. Thank you
  6. Good Morning [or is it? snowing here] I keep my tyre pressure at 32 psi but I had some work done recently [new coils etc] and the garage checked my levels and also pumped my tyres they set them at 40psi. I will admit the steering seems lighter but what is the correct psi? thank you Grumpy Jaguar S type 3ltre 2006 petrol 58000 miles
  7. Good Morning, I had trouble with intermittent warning ,changed my control box [check the numbers carefully] no trouble since working perfectly
  8. Good morning [a bright sunny one ] S type 2006 3litre 56000 miles. I wish to fit a new rear parking module [ the rear parking sensors work intermittently] Is it just "plug and go"? I have read some where that it need programing . Is it simple? [like me😡 or is it a garage job? Thank you grumpy1941
  9. Good Morning, Jaguar S type 2006 3ltre petrol I am an old fashioned so &so. where can I get replacement walnut trim? How easy/hard is it to replace. I know it is not everyones taste but I like the luxury look of it .it harks back to the old Jaguars. brian I will get ready for any brick bats😉
  10. Thank you Mark grumpy 1941
  11. Good Morning All, S type 2006 3litre petrol 56000 miles. My rear parking sensors/ modules has stopped working, I believe you have to remove the rear bumper to replace the sensors? Is it possible to check wether it is the sensors or the module that is faulty.? There are a lot of sensors on the market does it matter which make being slightly deaf I would prefer a louder one.? Please keep it simple I am a 80year old grump! Thank you grumpy 1941😒
  12. I realise that I am stupid and dim!🙄 2006 3lire S type 56000miles petrol. Has my S type a timing chain or a timing belt? If a timing belt as the car is 15 years old with the mileage that it has done should I have the belt changed? Thankyou Grumpy 1941
  13. Good Morning, Can;t the overpaid television people get any thing right! Watch aold episode of New Tricks last night they talked about an S type Jaguar which was a a mk11 jaguar 😡 grumpy
  14. GoodMorning, Stype, 3 litre, 2006, 55000 miles, petrol. Has anybody on here tried Terraclean? If so what were the results? Were there any downsides to it? Grumpy 1941
  15. Good Morning or Afternoon [whatever time you read this] yesterday whilst driving I heard three beeps and then after a few seconds it was repeated then silence, later in the day when I started up after about a minute I heard it again. It was quite a loud beep louder than the parking aids, and seemed to come from the right hand side. But as I wear hearing aid in that ear my sense of hearing direction is a bit suspect! Has anybody any ideas? 2006 S type petrol 3 litre Thank you Grumpy 1941
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