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Bigvic last won the day on June 12 2024

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  1. You say delete and mapped out Does that mean you had it removed, gutted and put back on? Cos if it doesn’t, you have to get this done
  2. You could also have a parasitic draw when everything is off which would eat battery
  3. After a thought, I’m starting to lean towards the battery for some of your problems too, the same as the others above. I’ve had a battery before that’s failed after a few months. The rp maybe different and I’m surprised it’s giving no codes - as I say, a warm favourite is a vacuum leak The keyfob? I would be trying a new battery in it first if none of the buttons are working - starting the car has nothing to do with the battery in the fob
  4. Rfa is remote fob somethingorother…It’ll be the module You don’t tell us what your car and year is. If you disconnected the battery, it may have messed up its security settings, these will have to be reprogrammed via sdd. This happens between the years approx 2012 till 2015 You don’t tell us the codes that are still showing I would extremely doubt if the abs code is causing the rp - your brakes will still work and I think it would show a light on the dash Check very carefully the control boxes in the boot and the drivers footwell for any signs of water ingress, plugs too A usual suspect for rp at your revs is unmetered air getting drawn into the air intake, but that would throw a fault code
  5. Anybody tried swapping the front wheels to the back? maybe (😃), you’ve got an alloy out of round
  6. Sounds like you’re going to have to overhaul the brake calipers On the other hand… It’s a known thing that pad deposits can build up on the discs and cause this juddering A good few heavy braking sessions from speed can remove these deposits and cure the problem till it comes back
  7. I tend to agree with you It’s your car - you can do what you like with it!
  8. Charge up the battery and it will do 11 miles no problem I had the exact same problem about 2 weeks ago leaving my work car park and it managed 30 miles I had everything electrical off that I didn’t need, but the windows misted bad and I was freezing by the time I got home! Second hand alternator cured it
  9. If the boot was full of water the it’s more than likely that your junction box is slowly dying It’s a box in your boot that holds relays, fuses and computery things If it does turn out to be that, then it’s an expensive fix. Although I’ve read that some people claim to have fixed them by removing and drying them out. There are also people on the internet who say they can fix them All I can say is good luck with this one
  10. I imagine the only way to switch it off is by using jag specific sdd computery stuff Don’t ask me how though, I’m a dinosaur nowadays
  11. What’s wrong with the stuff specified in the handbook?
  12. Ah… I think the explanation is that yours is a 17 plate and mine is a 14 plate Sorry…
  13. There’s a tiny, almost invisible, clear dot on the black border of the windscreen glass that the wiper tip is meant to park at
  14. You can change said valve for a new one
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