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BAZZER RN last won the day on February 22 2022

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  1. How wrong can they be, the number of times other drivers comment on how good my x type looks , it is a good looker in Gloss Black and miles apart from some of the mass jobs produced today, its a classy looking vehicle and if looked after motors along very well. Bazzer RN
  2. This might be bit late for the original post but could be helpful to others with an emission problem, try replacing the PCV Crank Case Ventilation Valve which if clogged up or faulty can produce smoke from the exhaust and cause an emission Mot failure, not expensive to buy and say should be replaced every 50,000 miles. Worth a try BAZZER RN
  3. Hi Julie Mine is a Gloss Black Sport with half leather seats and although also a 2003 has only done 114.000 miles looks great and still goes like a rocket when its legal to do so of course ???<😏 BAZZER RN
  4. Can any Member please let me know the location of the PCV Valve its also called the Crank Case Breather Valve for my 2003 X Type , 2.0 cc V6 Petrol, I have found on YouTube details of the Valve location but this is for a 2.5cc Diesel which is a different layout to the Petrol version. If anyone has a drawing of where the PCV is on my X Type I would appreciate it please Many Thanks to All Bazzer RN
  5. Hi Aubrey, it might get a lot of stick for being a Ford Mondeo in Sheeps Clothing but my High Gloss Black 2003 Sports V6 SALOON gets a lot of admiring comments from other Drivers practically every day and still looks the Bees Knees . A good looking car and a match I would say for any of the plastic monotype cars of today. Keep it clean and polished with a good Ceramic Glaze polish and well maintained for a great driving experience. BAZZER RN
  6. Same problem, told it was the Heater Matrix and would cost around £150 to supply and install from local garage, the problem was in fact a blocked Cabin Filter bought from from Borg and Beck £ 9.54 inc delivery, fitted in 20 mins problem solved, hope this helps Bazzer RN
  7. Hi Members I had a problem with my 2003 X Type Sport with the Heater not working as it should, went to a local Garage and they said it was the Heater Matrix the cause of the problem and would be about £ 50.00 for a new Matrix and labour costs to remove the faulty unit and fit the New Matrix, looking about £ 120.00 + vat Had a look on the Tech Website for X Type Heater Problems and found they advised to change the Cabin Filter, bought a Borg & Beck Cabin Filter for £ 9.52 inc vat and it took about 20 mins to remove old filter which was not in a good condition and fit the new Cabin Filter, The problem is now solved, better heating and no more windows misting up. A good result all round and one other Members might consider before having to pay out for a new Matrix
  8. Thanks John for your reply I am not savvy about checking the info out to be honest and that is why I asked if there was a Jaguar Owner in the Bournemouth area that could possibly assist me. Thanks again John appreciate your reply Barrie
  9. Hi does any Member living in or around the Bournemouth Area have any experience with checking Coil Packs, I may have a suspect Coil on my 2003 x type sports saloon and would appreciate some help in diagnosing which of the Ignition Coils is not firing properly so that I can change it out, I have bought some refurbished coil packs from a reputable Jaguar Parts Supplier who has checked them as working correctly I just need someone with a bit of knowledge to help decide which one of the Coil Packs appears to be faulty. I do have a Code Reader Many Thanks Bazzer RN
  10. Hi do any Owners know of a good Indie in the Bournemouth /Poole Area to fix my sensor I imagine there must be a Garage or Mobile Mech in this area to assist. Thanks Guys
  11. Hi anyone know a good Jaguar Indy in the Bournemouth/Poole Area, I need to replace the Lamba downstream sensor on my X Type, I have the New replacement Sensor but my local Garage have problems trying to remove the faulty Sensor and cannot do the work , If anyone knows of a good mechanic who is able to do this work I would appreciate it please. Many Thanks Bazzer RN
  12. Hi Guys I have a slight hesitant miss fire on my V6 Sports four door Petrol Saloon, I have replaced one of the ignition coils which appeared to be faulty but the fault is still there when the engine is on load , I would like to get it sorted when the engine is on low rev tick over the it runs smoothly with no sign of a miss fire and there is no engine warning light on the Dash. If there is a Jaguar Member in or near the Bournemouth/Ferndown Area and can throw some light on this problem I would be very grateful, I have had a local Garage have a look at this but they dont seem to be able to find the cause of the hesitant miss fire. If anyone knows of an X Type Enthusiast in the Dorset Area who can help that would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Guys
  13. Thank you Guys I will try this First as suggested Stay Safe and Well BAZZER RN
  14. Thanks Trevor It is a bit of a mystery . seems to be coming from the from part of the engine but very difficult to pin the noise down from where its coming from, its got a few Mechanice scratching their heads at the moment, I had hoped that maybe another X type Owner somewhere had a similar problem , but thank you again for your suggestion I will have another look at this over the weekend and should I find anything I will let the Forum know and it might just help someone else who has this problem. Cheers Trevor BAZZER RN
  15. This might be one for the Technical Guys, I have a weird burbling sound coming from the engine, Its not affecting the performance or smooth running of the engine, I have taken it to a Mechanic but he cannot give me an answer to this , If any other X type V6 Sports Owner has had a similar problem with this burbling noise issue I would be interested to know what is causing it. Many Thanks to all for a Great Forum BAZZER RN
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