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  1. Hi Jaguar Owners! I am very new to this forum, but I thought what is better than asking straight from the people who know. So I have been working hard and finally got into a proper job and I find myself with around £10,000 for a nice car. I have a colleague who has an XFR and it sounds magnificent. I have looked around at some alternatives that would be the typical cars of people my age (Early 20's). I have driven a hatchbatch for over 3 years now and fancy an upgrade, a substancial one it will be. There is something about a Jaguar XK that has drawn me in. It is definietly a car that I would like to own and with the current stand on emissions and such I don't think there will ever be anything like it again and the opportunitiy may be even less. Most of the cars that are around nowadays like Ford focus and fiesta's are just not really fun looking or different compared to a Jaguar. Quite a rare sight as well to be seen. So if I find a good Jaguar XK 4.2 (some pointers on finding a good one would be most welcomed as well) how are the overall running costs? I think this is something to get out of your system before I start to have other priorities. I do have a float for repairs but I do not honestly know how this may be diminished as looking for information you don't really get too much of a price from some things that can crop up. But should I reconsider or take the plunge on this car and have a good time. Obviously fuel is going to be a main consumable but I have accounted for that with around £360 per month? This is with a 12 mile round trip to work in the week and going out. I am really just looking for advice and guideance on these cars and realistic expectations. Thank you all in advance Any more information I am happy to provide. Jake
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