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lionel sams

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  1. my 2007 xj6 2.7 diesel is getting to me now i have had a vibration that seems to be through the steering wheel. When she is cold you can feel it around 40mph and when you are accelerating but when warm it only seems to happen over 65 ish. changed discs and pads had new wish bones on front and new tyres front and back then balanced and checked again. now run out of ideas?? could the tracking cause this ? any help would be very much appreciated.thanks
  2. hi all. I have my lovely xj6 tdvi and been spending to much money on her lately. EGR valves terra clean new injector and now new pads and discs and some preventative coating on the underside to stop any corrosion. But now the mechanic is saying that there is a small drip of transmission fluid coming from a plastic nut /or bolt on the transmission is there a plastic bolt/nut that can leak under the transmission as I'm unable to look under it myself and it seems every time i take it to them they seem to find something else.. It first went in to investigate a shuddering at around 70mph some suspension work egr valves now the brakes and had new tyres and double checked the balancing ..it's beginning to hurt my finances now but still the vibration at around 70 ish any help please as i would love to enjoy this car .......
  3. can any body tell me what numbers and letters are important on top of a injector . i can only find injectors with the first 16 numbers and letters . But there is another 9 after these . what one's should i be worried about any help would be very helpful ..
  4. yes thanks for that i have have the diesel do it before and was told when the dpf regenerates it can put any unused diesel into the sump. So i changed the oil and oil filter .. but i have to say it didn't take long to start topping up again .i have been looking at injectors but I'm not sure what numbers have to be the same. on mine they are , 5U3Q-9K546-AA. ADQTL FJ17 30811 picture attached of my one . Any help would be appreciated thanks again..
  5. thanks for that. I have checked the oil and it seems to have risen up a bit ..
  6. hi thanks for the reply .it's black defiantly a diesel smell and today when i took it out after driving it for about 20 miles when i stopped it was idling very rough. drove it home. Another 6 miles and seemed ok when i pulled up scratching my head again now...
  7. my lovely jag has given me yet another problem. I had 2 new tyres put on my car last week and now it looks like a dragster the front is at the right Hight and the back is up in the air ?. Is this a reset or more serious. Or do i take it back to the tyre garage and ask them to sort it ..Any help would be appreciated..
  8. I have my lovely XJ6 2.7TDVI sport .. Have Had some on going problems regarding a misfire and occasionally smoke comes out of one side of the exhaust. I have had the inlet manifolds changed. And now it is running better but still after a long drive and then when sitting in traffic it starts blowing smoke out of one side of the exhaust. I have been told that it could be an injector. Has anyone had this problem and is there anything else it could be. Any help would be very much appreciated. as i have had the over a year now and have never driven her without this fault....
  9. i have a 2007 xj6 2.7tdv.i I have now spent loads on it and still every now and then it plays up. cold or warm it runs rough. feels like only firing on 3 or 4 cylinders put your foot down and it stutters then exhilarates fine for a while. put new egr valves in still the same then had the inlet manifolds changed and still no joy. Injectors have been checked and are ok. no air leaks changed diesel filter still the same HELP PLEASE.
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