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  1. Hi John yes i have reset the trip . Also yesterday morning going to work i reset again and drove like an idiot just to see what it was like going like mad in sport mode and it returned 38.9 . Then drove home steady away as normal in D and got 39.8 . There must be something wrong with it as there should be a bigger diferance than that . On the same journey my old x type would do 55mpg . Thanks Mark
  2. Hi John only had the car 3 weeks . The garage put it through there workshop and MOTed it before i collected it . They are a large main dealer so you would expect them to have checked it over correctly . Ive tried all sorts of different driving to check the differance in mpg and it always tends to be mid to high 30s . It is going back to the garage for some small warenty jobs next week so i will speak to them about it . Just wanted to see what other people were getting from theres as a comparison
  3. Hi I have just swapped my x type 2.2d for an XF d sport 200 . again 2.2 diesel but the xf is auto . The Xtype always returned 50+ mpg i new the auto would be a little worse but the best i have managed is 40 . It usually returns mid to high 30s. This is driving the same rout and and in the same way as i did the x type . A roads around 50mph . I feel this is far too low and thinking something is wrong with the car. Just wanting to see what other people are getting from there 2.2 diesels Thanks Mark
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