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  1. Has anyone replaced the camera? If so, please advise of the best way to access and remove the existing camera. Is removing the boot lining necessary to allow access? Is there a danger of breaking the locating tags on the boot release/camera surround?
  2. Thanks, Jim. I haven't seen a function to allow me to have the rear view camera on without reverse being seleected but I will investigate further. The 2016 model doesn't normally suffer from the boot wiring issue of the earlier models but I must admit that the wiring was my initial thought. My local garage are pretty good on electrical issues and they tell me that they have encountered many issues with JLR cameras.
  3. The rear view camera has developed an intermittent fault which can often by cured by opening and closing the boot. I thought this indicated a wiring issue but my local garage checked the wiring and they believe the problem may be the camera itself. They cannot guarantee this and, as a replacement camera is £302 + VAT + a fitting charge, replacement might be an expensive gamble! Often, when starting the car and selecting reverse gear, the rear view image judders but quickly settles to a sound image. Yesterday, I started the car and the camera fault occurred. No rear view image. I drove about 10 miles with the fault icon registering on the instument panel. I stopped and turned the engine off. On restarting the camera worked fine! Has anyone else encountered such a problem? Is there a camera repairer out there?
  4. While driving in eco mode at speeds between 50 and 70 mph a message appeared - special driving modes unavailable . Normal driving mode was superimposed and I could not revert to eco mode until I turned the engine off and restarted. XF 180 Porfolio, 2016. Any thoughts?
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