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  1. I had an A6 before my XF and there is a world of difference. I can honestly say after the Jaguar I certainly will not be going back to Audi. Love the XF I can see me keeping it as long as I can mileage depending as I do 20-30k a year.
  2. If it’s a good car it’s a shame to trade it. But it’s also annoying spending that much on a car you haven’t had to long but I would fix it and hope that draws a line under it. Can you get an independent to do it cheaper with a used part.
  3. I had my Audi plugged in and had it switched so it started automatically off and I pressed the button to turn it on. I can’t do it on the Jaguar as it gets automatic updates through the connectivity.
  4. What year car is this for if it’s still available
  5. I was told that it should only open slightly. So if you don’t shut it correctly and don’t latch it at all it will not bounce open. Plus at low speed the key will open the boot on mine don’t know if that’s right but a friend said the same so I tried it 😂
  6. At least you have a plan, and a reputable dealer
  7. RESETTING YOUR TIRE PRESSURE LIGHT There are a few different ways to reset the TPMS sensor that you can try before heading in for a service appointment at your local authorized service center. Test these methods out below! Drive at or above 50 mph to reset the sensor for 10 minutes. This can cause your sensor to reset the next time you turn on the car. Start with the vehicle off, then turn the key to the “On” position without starting the engine. Locate the tire pressure monitor reset button beneath the steering wheel. Hold the TPMS reset button until the tire pressure light blinks 3 times, then release. Inflate all tires to 3 PSI over the recommended amount, then deflate them completely. Once they’re all deflated, reinflate to the recommended tire pressure. If you are using a spare tire, it may have a sensor as well so be sure to do the same with that one. Turn the vehicle off and disconnect the positive battery cable with a wrench. Turn the car on and honk the horn for about three seconds. This will discharge any power still stored in the vehicle. Then reconnect the battery. this is from the hand book I would also check they have put the correct tyre pressure in vehicle info tyre pressure it tells you actual and recommended mine is 3psi down and no warning lights so best get them pumped up 😂
  8. If you can get apple play it’s definitely worth it. Don’t know when Jaguar started updating cars with it.
  9. All i can do with mine is start the car in the winter from the house, lock and unlock, check fuel, and adblue. and previous destinations. i am told the tracker is a separate system as if they pull the sim card it's all useless.
  10. Yes I can’t see the dealerships passing on there best cars, I had an Audi A6 from the car shop couldn’t find one as good at a dealership and it was 3k cheaper than the Audi dealer. But like you said I didn’t get that dealer guarantee just a standard warranty they have to give but ultimately as it still had dealer warranty if you have a problem they tell you to go direct. If you get an older car the dealership normally gives good warranty.
  11. TomG456

    New car

    Thanks appreciate the information
  12. I got my last car from the Car people now the Car shop at Sheffield. I can honestly say that it was a great deal. But the car still had one years dealer warranty so it wasn’t a risk. but I had no issues anyway and would certainly buy from them again. Also they are part of sytner group and have main Jaguar dealerships
  13. TomG456

    New car

    I got my last car from the Car people now the Car shop at Sheffield. I can honestly say that it was a great deal. But the car still had one years dealer warranty so it wasn’t a risk. but I had no issues anyway and would certainly buy from them again. Also they are part of sytner group.
  14. TomG456

    New car

    @Trooper2142 is that an issue with the ingenium engine i have just purchased a XF Checkered Flag addition 2020 model, and it now has the Ingenium , I have done 6K since november so will expect to hit well over the 80k mark before i'm done so would be worth me keeping an eye out if its this engine.
  15. 100% if you are doing lots of miles. it makes it a lot easier to clean, and i have stone chips that haven't made it through the coating that i can polish out with no paint damage. it's not a miracle formulare as they advertise but i'm certainly happy with it. unfortunately with my car being black it only stays clean for about 30 seconds.
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