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  1. The procedure to wind back the E0B motors is as follows Sit in car with park brake off Hold park brake release for 4 seconds After the 4 second continue to hold release but now hold accelerator down hard for 4 seconds Now whilst both are are being held use your right hand to cycle the ignition off and on quickly Keep both held down and if you have done it right you should hear the motors winding back and you will get a message saying park brake in maintenence mode Once you have replaced the discs and pads to take it out of maintenance mode repeat the procedure but hold park brake switch on
  2. You would need to go to main dealer for the update, can't see it costing that much takes about 10 minutes if that
  3. morning everyone, im a technician at jlr and have had this problem this morning, vehicle double beeps when unlocked, no fault codes and all latches work as they should. carried out an update on the gateway module and it has fixed the problem. checked at least ten times over about 15 mins and worked everytime without the beep beep hope this helps
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