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thistle4celtic1 last won the day on April 30 2023

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  1. So right now, in order to start the car, you have to disconnect then reconnect the main battery?
  2. Does the spare key work as it should? Does the car “see” the non-working fob when you dock it in slot to the lower left of the steering wheel?
  3. Reset Window Procedure Hold the window button down till the window opens fully then continue holding for a further couple of seconds. Release button when you hear a faint 'click' Then close the window fully and once again hold until you hear the faint click. Do this on all electric windows.
  4. Try to get one with at least two working key fobs. Spares can be expensive.
  5. Try and find one with at least two key fobs as that will save you a few hundred from adding extra(s) up front.
  6. Buy one of the "dummy" key fobs on EBay. The ones with no internals. Some come with a blank key that you can have someone laser cut for you. Or you can buy just the blade from China.... https://www.ebay.com/itm/302062172110?hash=item46544ef7ce:g:TCYAAOSwOdpXzMOp&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAsCSiqC3gt5mExECBx4iS4Ih4NdQp4k7BX8mCvdqs%2FjXNjogvW5oCESqD1XgmdfYWyOG5%2BHmAWVQtylKkuiOnZ%2Bn%2F01IYzBTD%2FCXbUU4gpP1TwvFobfXW%2BkkbOE8xJbeA62UyS5KTwfvE5NKikvrLDSckBDIks7uiGfBEORd6R8zXKmPl6rjE1vFkPBmMN2p4xCLENdaqqajRDl03TyXxt2yzu5ccY3rZShqnJhBh0Ght|tkp%3ABk9SR_KZouezYQ
  7. It happened to me a few times, Always right after putting a USB stick in the USB port. Always remedied by turning car off.
  8. D you have a second fob? If so, is it within range of car and causing the message?
  9. Model/engine etc.. ?
  10. So, you can't access the boot due to the battery being dead? If so, try this.....
  11. Incase anyone else happens across this and can’t access the battery, maybe you could post how you managed to open the trunk…if it wasn’t by simply using the laser cut key blade stored in the key fob. Thanks
  12. You could try keeping the vents permanently open to see if that would be related to the problem. Climate Control/Vent Rotation and choose "Always Open". It is possible to set the air vents so that they remain permanently on view, even when the ignition is switched off. From the touch-screen Climate menu, select Settings. Select Vent rotation Always open.
  13. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=How+to+replace+rubber+mounts+on+DPF+filter+on+my+Jaguar+XF
  14. Also known as the Jaguar Smart Key Replacement Remote Key Fob 5Button For 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Jaguar XF
  15. As JoeDotCom says...It's a nightmare. You can read through this thread as it offers some, but not very pretty, options. I'm not sure why the poster who used the angle grinder to access the pins didn't use a hole saw and install bonnet closure pins used on race cars. It certainly would've made for a cleaner finish
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