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Everything posted by H994

  1. Hi all, Ive had my XE around a year now and i love it, had it regassed twice in 18 months which seems odd as my ford fiesta didnt need regassing in the 5 years i had it previously. But i noticed in the last few dfays my ac is only blowing cold out of the passenger side, the driver side is blowing warm air are both the rear vents. Ive been looking across the forums and can see people have had a few different issues possibly point to the condenser. Just wondering if anyone has had an encounter like this or know of a good specialist in the Kent area. Any idea on price of fix and stuff from people who have had this issue too would be aweosme! Thanks in advance!
  2. Thanks both! ive decided to go ahead with the purchase, im very excited gets deliverd tomorrow! Thanks again for coming back appreciate it - put my mind at ease.
  3. Hey Guys, about to buy my first XE: https://www.topgear-carsales.co.uk/stock/used-cars-in-gillingham-kent?make=bca5dd4f-406b-4287-9507-a09b00e6baf2&model=&pricerange=0%2C31000&VehicleType=any-type&version=&color= Really like the look of it, wanted a Jaguar for quite a while now and finally can afford one - i have a question though regarding reliabilty. Ive heard from a few car review sites that they can have some issues with electronics. Going from a ford fiesta 2011 that has nver gone wrong to a quite expensive car dont wanna go down a hole of repairs.Just thought id reach out before i buy and see what you guys think / what your experiences are. Thanks in advance H.
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