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Timcook1 last won the day on March 11 2021

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About Timcook1

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  1. Wilton, just outside Salisbury, Julian Ferraro, independent Jag garage with reasonable rates
  2. Hi all, can anyone give me some ideas on the best places to buy used quality Jag XF parts (broekn cars). I have a 2lit 2015 diesel. Not sure who the best breakers are Thanks Tim
  3. Hi all, can anyone give me some ideas on the best place to buy used quality Jag XF parts. I have a 2lit 2015 diesel. Not sure who the best breakers are Thanks Tim
  4. Hi, my late 2015 XF has two key fobs that are becoming unreliable and I think I need to replace them one at a time. Knowing main dealer prices are as always over the top, can any one point me in the right direction to get a quality new key fobs for my the XF please? Any wide ideas appreciated. I'm in Yeovil, Somerset.
  5. Sorry, in frustration I abandoned the project and deleted the e mail. I have used Google Maps with a magnetic clip for a phone. Much better than the inbuilt sat nav but a shame. Jaguar really need to improve their communication and customer service that is well below standard.
  6. Thanks John, I think you are correct. x
  7. Hi - I have a late 2015 XF and have received an e mail from Jaguar very recently saying new updates are available for Europe and incl Russia! The customer service as often are rubbish and only seem interested in warranty cars and seem to have no knowledge. Take it to your dealer! So I do that which is not local and pay them plus for updates. What should have been a simple download was not possible to do via SD card via computer.The whole Jaguar website could be far easier and I use many. The system is not the best anyway but I only want UK updates. Any comments on this please? I'm not sure if you can just select UK and any idea how much these updates cost? cheers
  8. My late 2015, so 2016 spec, has just done the same but runs fine but the noise irritates. Despite checking, I can't seem to find the cause.
  9. Thanks Trevor No so worried about the voucher just if it is beneficial Happy Christmas
  10. Hi, just got my new coded Halfords discount card through along with a £10 off a Terraclean service. I am not familiar with this process but assume if its come from the club it's ok. Can anybody comment on this please. I have a late 2015 (2016 spec) XF , 2 litre diesel with about 53K on the clock. It is not hammered and looked after well. I wonder would such a clean be good as a preventative treatment and what sort of service as several options, or is best left well alone as I hear such things can make things better or much worse. So I am confused Cheers Tim
  11. Trevor,, Tim Cook here. Re me having two e mails, the correct one is [email protected] for premium membership. I think due to problem with this I used a G mail acc Hope thats ok Tim
  12. Actually I did not renew and after looking into it, I have to say it seemed like an expensive gimmick. One point, you can only have the factory setting or choices when the car is new. So you cannot add parts on 'In Control'. That also seems a bit daft and limiting.
  13. Hi, after cleaning my XF, I have noticed near the rear wheel arch there is an area of about 4cm x 4 cm, that seems to have a little pitting or some very small marks I can't remove. It's a small area but too big for touch up paint perhaps? so I was think of a spray can. It's just small and annoying. Any ideas and esp of a good company to get paints from. I want to try and avoid a bodge on otherwise great paint work! Many thanks Tim
  14. Hi, can somebody put my mind at rest please? I just suddenly thought I had not see the wheelnuts on my XF. On checking all I could see was 1 nut in the middle compartment. Is that correct and it works for all 4 wheels? Just getting paranoid in case I need a tyre change. thanks
  15. Just to say I went to use my club/Halfords discount card recently and the chap on the check out could not process it. I then said get the manager who also had a hard job doing so. In the end they got it working but it took about 15 mins. I am told they have few Jags in Yeovil come in. So be warned you may have to be persistent.
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