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  1. It’s a voltage control diode in a BCM. My 2016 did it and that was the fix @ Jaguar.
  2. Also.... there are no warranty issue by running other pads instead of oem Jaguar. And EBC is a proven high performance company and theirs pads are a fraction of the cost of oem. Stoptech makes great rotors if you want to replace with conventional rotors. And as it is, The stock iron rotor/metallic pad setup on the f-type is killer but, the drilled rotor/ceramic pad combo is a definite must if you find yourself needing to stop aggressively, repeatedly for some reason. 😂😂😂 summit racing caries a pretty nice variety of good stuff for F-type owners.
  3. EBC makes a ceramic/composite pads that don’t squeek nearly as much. I just put cross drilled/slotted rotors on all four and EBC redstuff pads. So far....ME LIKEY! I can hang out in the power until it’s seemingly too late to brake effectively and make the turn, but still be able to brake and make the turn! It’s ridiculously wonderful if you drive you’re f-type the way it’s meant to be driven. Ya know....It is an entry level supercar that with only a few 1000 dollars in the right place can actually turn a sub 3 second 0-60 time and roll low/mid 10’s in the quarter mile. Spec that against a hurrican or a 570 or whatever...it’s there. Yes I love my F-type!!! Anyhow...No fade that I’ve noticed yet but I haven’t had it to the track to really push it but, from what I can feel now....ooooh yeaaaaah!!! She bang! Lol EBC also makes a yellow stuff ceramic/composite pad that’s more focused towards track performance needs. I’ll probably take a set of them when I go and see if there is any considerable difference in the two. If you visit EBC’s site and you can order direct. I think I paid $179 for the set. 👍
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