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  1. Thank you both for your replies. Its clear it hasn't been done properly then. Joe, I will try euromaster thank you
  2. Thank you. I do use The Jag specialist in Doncaster. Regarding the regas time, I've read on a few sites that it takes around 45 mins. So I'm wondering if its been filled correctly?
  3. Good morning Around 2 months ago a family friend said we could take our car to the garage where he works to get the aircon regassed. He told me this would take around 45mins. I wasn't able to go so my wife took the car. She says the process only took 10mins and he only attached the top hose. She said she saw the display on the aircon machine and it read 100%. I saw the family friend the following day and he explained they the garage(Ford) had a new aircon machine that only required them to attach the top hose. I have no idea if this is correct but today my aircon ran out. It only lasted 2 months!! I'd appreciate your thoughts on this issue Many thanks
  4. An update..... I contacted my local Jaguar dealer and they said it would cost £192 for the diagnostic process and then they would quote me for the work. I asked if I would be able to get discount being a premium member of this forum and I was told that due to my car being over 3 years old I would automatically be entitled to a discount that was better than what I would get for being a premium member, when I questioned them further it turns out that the discount was the same as I get here. Then I found a local company that specializes in everything DPF, they were brilliant on the phone and said they would come to me, diagnose the problem, clean out the DPF and check for other problems that may have caused it for just £200. I have read all their reviews on various sites and they don't appear to have had anything bad said about them. Just need to make an appointment with them now. Many thanks
  5. Dave_c

    DPF full

    So it's still ok to drive with the RED warning? I'm stuck at work thinking I have to walk home. There is a motorway near here i could give it a run on? Thank you
  6. Over the last couple of weeks the car was a little sluggish on the really cold mornings and I don't know if this has anything to do with my problem. Arrived at work this morning and I have the red Dpf full Visit Dealer message on the dash. I've had no warnings prior to this. I also have restricted performance. My question is how much a main deal would charge to sort it out? I've read other posts saying you need to give it a good run but am i passed that point? Many thanks
  7. I'd like to delete this post as I've found someone else asking the question further down in the forum. I'm sorry
  8. I have a button on the key fob and also just under the steering wheel which releases the catch on the boot. The boot opens a few inches but I'm wondering if that's right or should it open all they way up? It seems pointless really if it only opens just a few inches because I'll still struggle with the wife's shopping bags 🧐
  9. Thanks @Patch58. I was under the impression I should be using premium each fill. Which fuel injector cleaner do you use and do you notice a difference after using it?
  10. Just like many others I'm struggling to find a petrol station with premium diesel. I've always used premium diesel because that's what I was told by the previous owner. But can I use the cheaper diesel if that's all I can get. I have a 2013 3.0 V6
  11. Thanks Julie, I'm going to check the tyres pressure this morning. From the tyres pressure guide on the side of the car I think it should be either 32 or 34psi. If that doesn't sort it I will take it to Halfords for alignment
  12. I'm pleased to announce that just 2 weeks ago I bought my first XF. It's a 3l V6 Premium Luxury in Carnelian red with 38k miles on the clock. I'm very pleased with it. Only one niggle so far and that's that it pulls very slightly to the left.
  13. Hi Darren, I too have recently bought a 2013 XF. It's the 3l V6 Premium Luxury. I'm just down the road from you in Royston so I'll keep an eye out for you
  14. So I've be busy these last few months looking for a low mileage 3l XF facelift but have been struggling to find one with the spec I want. I'm looking to spend up to 12k. For the same price I can get a 2.2l but much lower mileage than the 3l. I had a test drive in a 3l on a 14 plate and loved the power. I know the 2.2l won't be as powerful but can anyone tell me any other differences please Many thanks Dave
  15. That's one nice looking Jag. The facelift is much easier on the eye. Although the pre facelift seem to be way lower mileage, but facelift is what I'm looking for What do you mean by wigglies lights?
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