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About Paul71

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  • UK/Ireland Location

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  1. Thank you
  2. Hi could anyone tell me if lifeguard 6 is the correct transmission fluid for a 5 speed 2002 s type 3.0 please
  3. Hi, I’ve just removed lambda sensors and wondered if anyone had tried cleaning them and if so what did you use or would you just replace them? Thank you
  4. Thank you
  5. Thanks for your help
  6. Hi I have a 2002 3.0 SE which keeps throwing up fault codes P0171 and P0174 I’ve cleaned the MAF sensor, changed the air filter and looked for vacuum leaks but so far I’ve been unable to sort out the problem, I’ve noticed that once I’ve cleared the codes they only come back when I take the car out for a drive after about 5 minutes, has anyone any ideas what may be causing the problem, many thanks
  7. Does anyone know if all S type steering wheels and air bags are the same size and fit, thanks in advance
  8. No I use Castrol 5w 30 and she runs sweet as a nut
  9. Paul71


    The EPB on my S-TYPE has started to make a sort of clunking noise when it’s applied, is this something I should be worried about?
  10. I would appreciate any recommendations for an all weather cover for my recently acquired S-TYPE
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