Hi Folks, wonder if there is anyone out there that can help me with the following few issues relating to my 1999 'S' Type? Have had an 'X' type for the last fifteen years, which was brilliant even though it was a diesel, but it got rammed in the rear by a traveller chatting on his phone and ended up beyond economical repair, hence the purchase of this latest machine.
1. When I start her up the revs are very high 2000+, and stay high. Was originally advised that this was just the automatic choke warming up. But whether already warm or a glorious day, these revs stay high.
2. If I attempt to drive away with the revs high, this forces the revs down as the clutch engages, but as-soon-as you depress the clutch to change gear the revs return to 2000+.
3. When cruising everything seems fine, can't fault operation and fuel consumption good. However, when you come to negotiate a junction, no matter how many hours later, and you depress the clutch and roll to a stop, the revs remain high until the vehicle actually stops. (Only on coming to a complete standstill, does the revs drop to idle). Have tested this further, by depressing the clutch whilst at speed. The revs remain as they would be for the speed you are driving at. Only when the vehicle comes to a complete stop does it decide to drop to idle.
4. Have been through x3 batteries for the car in as many months. The Jaguar garage replaced the first one as there was doubt in its ability, no expense spared for the second. Two weeks later this battery was dead. It started the car first time, which was moved to a position for loading and then turned off. Went to start it again and it was dead. RAC said the battery was completely shot. The alternator was tested and confirmed to be working well. Once again purchased a new 'no expense spared' battery. Once again, after a week, the battery was flat and unable to start the car. Re-charged it externally and kept the -ve lead detached until I wished to use the vehicle. Issue of flat battery resolved.....sort of. Obviously something is draining the battery, but apart from factory fitted alarm, there is nothing else running. Have had the console sent away and checked, but this has not cured the issue.
5. The air conditioning display fails to display, yet the controls still work; there is power to the unit. However, when re-connecting the battery, the display lights up for about ten minutes and then shuts down. Am I missing something? is there a button somewhere I should press to re-illuminate the panel?
I mention all these issues as there could be a link between them all, something electrical??
Have had the car into a Jaguar specialist, who kept her for the best part of three months trying to resolve; new fuel pump, reconditioned control panel, new battery, new injectors, complete service and all is just as bad as when it went in. Want to cry......anybody out there who can help??
Many thanks.