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  1. Jaguar F-Pace Advice gratefully received! We bought a 3L V6 2016 Jaguar F-Pace from a Jaguar/ LR dealership and 33,000 miles later we have been told that the crank shaft/ engine has failed, leaving us with an engine replacement bill of between £9k & £15k. A goodwill gesture from the dealership has been offered of 40% (taking the cost down from £15k to £9k). If we opt to have the engine stripped to somehow prove that the engine was faulty when we bought the car (which would mean paying to have the engine stripped at our cost, around £2k) we potentially could get it replaced free under consumer rights act. But if the engine is stripped and Jaguar tell us the engine was perfect when we bought it, they could retract the goodwill taking us back up to £15k. Surely if a non serviceable part of the engine catastrophically fails, surely this is a manufacturing fault somewhere to cause this? We bought the car second hand and have only had 9,000 miles out of it since it became ours. What on earth would you do? Has anyone had a similar experience or know of faults with these makes? Have totally lost faith in our car now as well as Jaguar plus the gut wrenching worry of this huge unexpected bill 😩 #GuySalmon #JLR
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