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Everything posted by LordKSmith

  1. Hi Guys, Many thanks for the club stickers. Kind regards. :D
  2. Welcome to the club Jigs, I had the same noise but from the rear on leaving the park and ride car park, it has humps, sounded awaful. but after my mot, the Haflords "yes Halfords there very good" manager said they had replaced the rear exhaust mount, the noise gone :) . may be worth checking,its cheaper than top mounts. happy motoring.
  3. Hi Guy's' Just recently after topping up with oil and power sterring fluid"probably coincidential",the engine management system lights up "cruise control not avalible" and the ecu warning light on dash lights and wont go out, press the stalk, the message disapears,the the engine miss fires wont go above 40mph ,limp home mode, although the hand book says the 2.1 v6 petrol doesnt have this feature, put car in neutral boot the thottle to max revs, and then the car drives ok, but the message is back. plugged a fault reader in code p1111;which Jag web site says is the clear code for all functions,p1000,I then clear all fault codes ,all is then ok for about 20 miles then it starts all over. it's got me beat Help!! please.
  4. Fitted to a leaper to mine , has now been through UK MOT, not a mention, apart from that looks good!! ; its the spring loaded type, Stopped last summer by the gendarmes out side Sables D'Olonne spot check (I was daft enough to go out on a Sunday afternoon, if you live in France you know what I mean) who checked it moves when pushed (not fixed) sent on my way no problems.
  5. Hi Chaps and Ladies, I have noticed recently night driving that the headlightsappear to fade then get very bright, then back to normal for a time then start pulsing high low. any ideas please. Is it the battery?
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