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  1. :D Well Just picked up the Jag from my local garage. I had a bad oil leak from the timing case. The bill was £400 to replace the crankshaft oil seal and the timing case cover. When they striped it down they had to remove the EGR and found it to be clogged. They have cleaned it out and the old girl runs fine. I thrashed it up to 70mph and no limp mode!! Maybe this has done the trick Many thanks for all advise. Maurie
  2. Hi All I have a 2ltr Diesel 2005 Estate, I am having this problem with the car going in to limp mode. The symptoms seem to be at about 60 to 70 MPH. If I accelerate hard through to gears it will go in to limp mode in third or forth. If I drive it gently through all the gears its ok and I can drive at 70 all the time. However, if I accelerate hard at above 70mph it will go in to the limp again. When this happens all I need to do is stop and restart the car and all is ok. Can anybody give me advice on this. I also note that on rare occasions I seem to have a fuel surge(feel like I am using cruse control). thanks
  3. After 40 years of waiting my dream car has arrived. X-type BRG cream trim. What a beauty!!!
  4. Welcome to the Jaguar forums Maurice :)

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