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David J Foulis

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  1. I have a 2016 FType 3.0L S AWD. As i hear the rising vent in the cabin is prone to fail, I decided to set it to "Always Open" For some time all was well the vent stayed open. A few days ago the vent was shut, I got in started up, the Vent opened. When I stopped the car the vent closed. I assumed the Setting has jumped to Auto, but no it was on Always Open. I tried Auto and back to Always Open but the vent opens and closes when I start and stop, or if it turn off or on the climate control. Any ideas? DJF
  2. Just checked an the card is the same size as all others, its a genuine Jaguar "Europe and Russia" card. Seems as if the holder has not been installed correctly, or they have fixed the problem subsequent to my cars vintage.
  3. I am surprised that the Card in the cubby under the arm rest when full engaged still sticks out. I have had the Sat nav "go down" because my sun glasses have knocked the card. It would be far better if the disc was level with the back of the cubby. I am thinking of making a small cover to protect the card.
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