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Brewers Whoop

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Brewers Whoop last won the day on September 25 2023

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  1. Excellent, thorough job 👍
  2. 'Great', I hear you mutter, 'Another newbie with a DPF question' Well perhaps a slightly different angle. Given favourable conditions, by which I mean regular long runs fast enough to regenerate the DPF, and use of premium fuel and/or Millers or similar additives, and rigorously keeping to Jaguar maintenance recommendations, how long should a DPF last? Is it something that no matter what will eventually need replacement, or does a pampered DPF last the life of the car? Specific car I am thinking about is S-Type 2.7, but obviously DPFs are present on numerous other models.
  3. Hello All I'm a gentleman of 'later life leisure' based in Barry in South Wales. Currently contemplating buying an S-Type, which I've wanted since the day they were launched! 😄 So I'm chuffed to have found this excellent forum. This will be my first Jaguar, although my Dad had a 420 when I was a nipper. I'm swithering between a 3.0V6 petrol, or 2.7 diesel. Changing mind on more or less an hourly basis. No doubt I'll be on here asking daft questions when I get it, but I promise to have searched first! Cheers
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